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Gnucash path problem.

Submitted by cvlowe on October 11, 2008 - 12:33pm

I have a problem with gnucash portable.

My USB drive gets assigned different drive letters on different computers, but gnucash always looks for the data file based on the drive letter from the last computer I used.

Is there any way to set a relative path?


Working with the awesome online support people Smile

I found out that if the data file is stored in the default location [USBDrive]:\PortableApps\GnuCashPortable\Data\Profile\[data], GnuCash finds the file no matter what the drive letter is.

Lightning Extension for Thunderbird & Firefox or only Thunderbird?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on October 10, 2008 - 11:35am

Well, I recently have been looking for more info about sunbird & using different programs. I saw in ta office apps page that the calendar lightning extension is for FF &TB, but when i try to download it I find it for TB only. I've tried for searching in the FF addons page & nothing found. Is it really usable within FF???

BPBiblePortable ... a process in the background .... ?!

Submitted by peter_g on October 4, 2008 - 12:17pm

I tried out BPbible Portable.

I have installed the folder to 'desktop', it starttet ... no problem so far.

but when I tried to delete the BPBiblePortable-Folder I got an error-message: "... can't be deleted, .... there is a process still working ..."

After a restart of my WIN XP, it was possible to delete the hole folder.

Portable Cleaning Apps???

Submitted by Wraith on October 3, 2008 - 12:39pm

Installed CCleaner on an external USB Hard Drive and although it is a portable application I have not seen it listed for download here is there a reason?
The problem that I am having is that when I install it on the external hard drive it also installs itself on the Host Computers C: Drive as well and in the registry quite extensively so that if I uninstall it, I have to go through and search and destroy or remove as it were.

Commond Prompt Portable

Submitted by gris on October 2, 2008 - 12:46pm

I installed Command Prompt Portable, ran it and adjusted some of its settings, including the cursor size (small), display options (window), command history (discard old duplicates), edit options (quickedit and insert modes), font (raster fonts 10x18, etc. When I exited the program, however, it did not save the settings I had made. I knew this because when I tried it on another machine, the resultant dos window failed to display my earlier settings. I think it would be handy if the programme could be made to save the settings the user made.


Submitted by onesixtyfourth on October 1, 2008 - 5:18am

I have tried to download the portable version of blender and keep getting a requested url not found error. Do you know about this and blender has been withdrawn or is there another way of getting it.
