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InfraRecorder Portable: Can't burn compilation

Submitted by Bruce Pascoe on September 17, 2008 - 10:18pm

For some reason when trying to burn a compilation to disc in InfraRecorder Portable, the burner immediately fails with "Unable to create image file" (or similar wording). Not sure what's going on, because I can work around it by burning the compilation to an image and then burning the image.

This is on Vista Ultimate SP1 (UAC enabled). I haven't tested it on XP yet.


Submitted by wonderbred88 on September 15, 2008 - 6:14am

Sorry Im new to portable apps, and i was wondering if there was somewhere i can download or a portable utorrent or do i have to make my own

[Closed] Xenon Template Adding does not Work

Submitted by Patrick Patience on September 14, 2008 - 10:47pm
After seeing Xenon will be rewritten in C++ and wxWidgets, I wasn't sure whether to report this, but I thought I might as well in case there's some maintenance fixes to the AutoIt version in between.

Problem: Adding Xenon templates does not work and causes buggy behavior in another way.

Steps to Reproduce: File -> New -> Add Template. In the window the appears, pressing Cancel will show a 'File Copying' screen and will create your current templates in your 'XenonPortable' directory. That's your buggy behavior.

Xenon 1.5 bugs/improvements

Submitted by monsieur.rouge on September 12, 2008 - 6:50pm

Great tool, guys, I just tried it out and will definitely use it.
I am reporting a few bugs and improvements to make the product better:

* bug: folders don't appear in alphabetic order in the folders pane
* bug: in the case of an incorrect Xenon file association: clicking the file in the normal explorer window results in opening of the file with the Windows associated tool. This is good and robust. However, when clicking the file in the search window and error appears. I prefer the robust behaviour
* improvement: file properties are not editable? this might be difficult?!

[Fixed] Xenon display error after language switch

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on September 12, 2008 - 5:49am

I opened Xenon and maximised the window. After I changed Xenon to german, the foler-icon and the arrow-icon which normally are at the right end of the screen suddenly appeared in the middle.
I guess this is related to the fact that I maximised the window but it expected a smaller window or something.

I have Win XPSP3 and the latest (1.5) version of Xenon.

I have screenshots I could send you if anything is unclear.
