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Stellarium not loading from Portable Apps

Submitted by JP_Cda on August 11, 2008 - 10:22pm

Downloaded and installed Stellarium in the recently-released portable version (Stellarium 0.9.1), but it doesn't seem to load when I'm trying to run it from either the Portable Apps suite, or directly from the application folder.

Environment is as follows:

Western Digital 160GB portable USB drive, with Portable Apps Suite 1.1 on Win XP SP3 (also did the same thing with SP2).

JKDefrag questions

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on August 9, 2008 - 4:22am

I just have 2 things:

  • Can't the PortableApps.comInstallerOld.nsi in the Source folder be removed?
  • The readme says " The program can be entirely self-contained on the drive and then used on any Windows computer." but its Win 200 and younger. I know Im being picky, but shouldnt the Readme be adjusted?

Notepad++ 5.0.3 - false positive?

Submitted by Karsten on August 7, 2008 - 4:33pm

The file


was recognized by my GData AV program to be infected with some generic trojan. I sent the file to, where it has been scanned two days ago with 2 infections. I started a new scan and now 4 infections where reported. F-Prot reports "W32/Agent.BP.gen!Eldorado".

Auto Launching Programs

Submitted by klevey on August 5, 2008 - 2:37pm

Does any one know of a way to have portable apps launch a series of programs when it starts up?
I am not worried about autorun of the usb key but rather when I click portable apps? For example I would like thunderbird and pidgin to launch automatically when portable apps launches.

Thanks, Kris

MANY Instances of Geek.Menu

Submitted by gntlhnds on August 5, 2008 - 8:45am

I've been using Geek.Menu because I like a lot of its features (I've even been using ejectusb.exe instead of its geekejector.exe. It seems to work better for me). Every now and then, though, when I go to close, it won't close. I'll open Task Manager and there will be literally HUNDREDS of instances of running. I was wondering if this had to do with the option of making always show up on the left side of the task bar. Every minute or so I see something pop up really quickly in the task bar and then disappear.
