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Unable to connect to to retrieve portable apps

Submitted by kjisi on January 21, 2019 - 4:21pm

Hi there,
since a few weeks I cannot use the platform Help/Check for Updates anymore.
Even if I reinstall everything from scratch I can download portable apps, but the update function still doesn't work.

Is there a log file which knows a bit more about what fails and where?

I have Windows 10, a DSL connection without any proxy, in internet connection settings every proxy option is unchecked.

How can I proceed to fix this?
Thanks, Klaus

McAfee Endpoint Security

Submitted by tpgol on January 14, 2019 - 4:45am

Why McAfee block all update from platform with this message:

Protezione adattiva dalle minacce
Nome prodotto McAfee Endpoint Security
Versione prodotto 10.5.0
Nome funzione On-Execute Scan

Azione intrapresa Blocca
Categoria minaccia Malware rilevato
ID evento di minaccia 35104
Minaccia gestita Sì
Nome minaccia JTI/Suspect!65538
Gravità minaccia Critico
Data e ora minaccia 14/1/2019 10:36
Tipo di minaccia Trojan

Launcher & installer not playing nice with Windows 7

Submitted by BungieCord on January 9, 2019 - 7:11pm

I'm having a problem with Portable Apps Launcher on a relatively new 64-bit Win7 install that I think is the fault of the host OS. I didn't note the launcher version I was using but I know I had updated it within the last two months.

I ordinarily start it from a batch file that does some housekeeping before starting the launcher (offers to update the ClamWin definitions, etc), but the batch file kept erroring-out with 'PortableAppsPlatform.exe is not a valid release and can not be launched.'

Writes to the end of the disk

Peppernrino's picture
Submitted by Peppernrino on January 7, 2019 - 8:02pm

I've got installed on my D: drive, and I've noticed that all the new data -e.g. after a program updates- gets written to the back of the disk, effectively spacing things out and making the arms on the drive work harder. It sounds like it's doing more searches, and then the browser page loads will get a bit slower, and I'll remember to defrag. That fixes it by stacking everything closer together.

Is this by design? Can I turn it off? Am I missing something?

Badly written code of installer and unable to pass firewall + offline installers?

Submitted by testerr on December 31, 2018 - 6:49pm

As I remember from a years I have problem with PAF installer.

This not only exposes bad coding practices - as no retry button after trying failure to access internet when blocked by firewall, but I have massive problems when try to install programs on computers without internet access.

There is a way to download apps for REAL offline installing without using this crap PAF installer?

error in updating

Submitted by cmiehs on December 28, 2018 - 2:29pm

When I try to update appears:

Access violation at address 006262F3 in module
'PortableAppsPlatform.exe'. Write of address 00000000.

It bloks the download. What should I do?

Thank you for an answer

Installed Software OVERWRITES portable data

AntiVirGear's picture
Submitted by AntiVirGear on December 25, 2018 - 2:50am

In a nutshell;

using FF or TB portable on a machine with FF or TB installed mess up with my profile... again...
and I'm slowly doubting the name "portable" if two far far away path are messing up eachother (or more my portable profile)
C:\Users\XYZ\Appdata\Roaming\Firefox\... VS P:\PortableApps\FirefoxPortable\Data\profile

So... now what? Definitely making backups every time after closing, because,

1. WHO do that?
and 2. This will take a long time...
(3. Shouldn't that happen after all?)
