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Updater aborts on a less severe error - why not continuing?

Martin0815's picture
Submitted by Martin0815 on October 8, 2018 - 4:56am

In the office some apps can't be updated, because our AntiVirus Solution denies the download.

Today GPU-Z was blocked.

If the updated tries to install an application, which installer download blocked, the updated shows an error and aborts updating, no matter how many apps are still to be updated.

Is there a chance to change this, to allow to continue - evt by user interaction?

New files in "DefaultData" folder not moved to "Data" folder

passat's picture
Submitted by passat on September 18, 2018 - 5:26pm

When launcher starts portable app it shloud copy all fles from "DefaultData" to "Data" folder if thay are not already there. Platform 15.0.2
If "Data" folder does not contain any of those files (it's "empty"), all files are copied, but if some files already exists in "Data" folder from previous run, than new files are not copied to "Data" folder.

Win10/Win8 - Apps won't run ("Another Instance" + "Requires Windows _ or Later")

Submitted by ddayton on September 17, 2018 - 5:30pm

This is probably due to special work environments, but I thought I'd check with you folks.

I work in a public school system and I've always used PortableApps to keep a handy drive full of utilities for my job. Everything worked fine until I came back to school last month...

We transitioned MOST computers to Win10 last year. Everything was fine, however when I try to run the platform OR any individual portable app now:

make automatic updates and automated installation of portableapps via the app

Submitted by heynando on September 4, 2018 - 2:05am

when a user has several portableapps installed, currently the update process as well as the installation becomes extremely tedious very fast, since the user has to click the button NEXT for like a hundred times, literally BTW, especially if the number of apps being updated is great.

the suggestion would be to automate this process and make it a bit less congested and more importantly more fast. The user would only be required to click "next" for a few times independently of the number of apps being installed and or updated.

Set frequency for update checks

Submitted by adoucette on September 3, 2018 - 8:05am

First, thanks for the great software. I've been using it off and on for a few years between home and school.

Is it possible to set the frequency with which the platform checks for updates? Perhaps a monthly or weekly option?
Also, is there a silent install option? Whereby, if enabled, the platform would click through all of the "next" and "finish" buttons in each applications' installation dialog as those apps are being updated?

Thank you for a great platform.

[Bug] Chinese IME leads to wrong action

DOSSTONED's picture
Submitted by DOSSTONED on August 24, 2018 - 12:05am

Type Pinyin in search box and click Enter leads to opening the first program multiple times.

  • OS version: Windows 10 Pro 1807 Build 17134.228 64-bit,
  • Install path: C:\Programs\PortableApps (I do not think this bug is path-related),
  • new vs upgrade: upgraded, I started using portableapps before 2010
  • platform version: 15.0.2

How to reproduce:
