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LibreOffice Portable

LibreOffice 5.4.2

Submitted by McHoo on October 19, 2017 - 5:03am

I have recently upgraded LibreOffice to the latest version using the platform.

Unfortunately, I am unable to launch any of the LiibreOffice programmes. When I click on one of the programmes the LibreOffice banner will load and start to go through the process then disappears and nothing happens.

I am using Windows XP.

LibreOffice 5.4.1 portable package on Win-7 x64: install fail repeatedly

Submitted by Krakalow on October 7, 2017 - 12:35pm

(Previous LO version had been installed badly ... on USB-stick; and was not used so far.)
Newly announced LO 5.4.1 portable on PortableApps noticed this when update process was started and recommended new full download of LibreOfficePortable_5.4.1_MultilingualStandard.paf.exe.
This was done twice with the same failure when installing.
A second download of the package (identical file) also ended with the same failure, i.e.
aborting the installation with: Could not save the file "Radial05-Sphere-Blue.svg".
Stick-medium should be ok. ...

Fonts used in LO

Submitted by mhonline on September 8, 2017 - 6:47am


did I got it right:
when the font-directory within the portableapps-folder contains font-files, the system-fonts are not used anymore?
I have seen this after stripping the LO-font-zip to that folder an odg- drawing showed differnt, but after copying the
missing font-file from system-folder to that folder, everything worked. so the question: feature or bug?


[Closed] LibreOffice Portable 5.4.0 failed to start

Submitted by SwampCat on August 15, 2017 - 8:44am

[Duplicate of thread: ]

windows 7 Ultimate 32bit
LibreOffice version 5.4.0 was installed over previous v5.3.4
None of Office Apps can be launched .... cursor spins for a sec & dies like nothing eve happened
No error messages / no events logged
Reinstalling previous v5.3.4 over the new not working 5.4.0 one brings Office back alive

Any Way to Save Calc, Writer, etc. Files to Different Folders?

Submitted by wr4 on July 6, 2017 - 6:43pm

As a long time Excel and Word user, I have my Excel spreadsheets in one folder and my Word documents in another folder and I would like to direct LibreOffice to these individual folders. Is there an extension/add-on that gives us this capability? As far as I can tell there is only one file path for 'My Documents'.

Install Error

Submitted by wr4 on July 3, 2017 - 6:51am

In attempting to install LibreOfficePortable_5.3.3_MultilingualStandard.paf, I get the following error:

Extract: error writing to file Venn05.svg

I click OK and the only option available is Cancel. The destination folder contains 8,221 files, slightly less than X-LibreOffice's file count of 8,495.

Any way to correct this?
