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LibreOffice Portable

[Fixed] LibreOffice Portable 6.0.1 won't run on systems without VC runtime 2015

Submitted by getco on February 16, 2018 - 7:15am

After installing:


non of the launchers will run:


LibreOfficePortable.exe shows up briefly as a new task and then dies.

Windows 7 64-bit. Never had this problem before.

Portable Libreoffice Impress problem with remote controller

Submitted by leousa on February 12, 2018 - 2:13am

I'm a professor at the University. I use Libreoffice for my lectures. Most classrooms don't support Libreoffice so I bring my usb with portable Libreoffice installed.

The problem now is with the remote controller to move slides back and forward. This is another usb dongle, and it is recognized by the computer, but libreoffice Impress does not react to it. It is a bit frustrating as I have to be using the keyboard all the time instead of walking the classroom.

Has anyone experienced this before? Anyone knows a work around?


[Fixed] Remove languages in LibreOffice Portable 6.0 installer causes some strings to appear in English

Submitted by themis on February 4, 2018 - 8:42am

i have update from 5.4 to 6.0
my language is French, but some parts of libreoffice are now in english.
the main menu is in french, but all the sub dialogs are in english (format/page, outils/options, etc)
the left main bar is also in english : open file recent files templates, writer document calc spreadsheet, etc

is it a bug , or perhaps a new parameter to set for having all in french ?
Sincerely yours

No "Remove Extra Languages" option in 5.4.2

Submitted by Rzeznik on October 19, 2017 - 5:38pm

I installed the latest version of LO and found this option was missing. I even installed the suite again only to double check I haven't missed the option during setup. It's not there.

The extra language removal option didn't work perfectly (it would always leave 5 dictionaries intact instead of just 2), but still it did some job. Now I have to remove the dictionaries folders manually and I guess lots of language stuff still exist in other parts of the suite (like UI, for example).

What happened?
