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PuTTY session closes too when winscp closed

Submitted by humbug on November 24, 2013 - 7:46am

Hi everybody,

I´m using winscp and putty, both as portable version. I use PuTTYPortableLinker.exe so i can run a putty-session out of the opened winscp-session. My problem is, that the putty-session closes if i close the equal tab in winscp. Is there a possibility to let it opened even winscp will be closed?

Thanks in advice

PuTTY added to favorite isn't opening

Submitted by lmoretti on November 14, 2013 - 6:33am

Hi PuTTY / PortableApps Experts,

Last week I had an issue when trying to open PuTTY Portable.
The "welcome" screen appeared them a window saying that another instance of putty wasn't closed correctly.

I tried to eject / plug the usb pen drive, but the same error occurred again.
Them it came to my mind that, a few days ago I added putty to my favorites in the PA platform.
After I removed putty from favorites it started again!

Don't know if it's a app problem or a platform problem, and I hadn't time to test if that happens to other apps.

FileZilla: Site information still stored locally?

Submitted by neutrino on August 24, 2013 - 4:26am


When I realized that unencrypted site passwords are a security threat in Filezilla, I decided to get Filezilla portable and always run it from a usb stick. This way, I was hoping, Filezilla would not leave any traces on the computer it's used on.

But I just tried the stick on a different computer and the site information was not there! That made me suspect that the site information is stored on the computer instead of the stick.

So my question is this:

[Fixed] Language Code setting keeps replicating at the end of filezilla.xml

Submitted by surreal on July 11, 2013 - 2:57am


The "Language Code" setting kept replacing the entry inside the settings list before the close with:

<Setting name="Language Code" />

And kept adding duplicate entries at the end of the file after the and closing paramaters every time I went in and saved any settings.

<Setting name="Language Code" />
<Setting name="Language Code" />
<Setting name="Language Code" />

Pidgin: Purple Twitter

Submitted by ratcatcher on June 13, 2013 - 1:15pm

Not directly a Pidgin Portable query but I thought I might find others with the same problem - and possibly an answer - here.

I use Purple Twitter with Pidgin Portable and as of about midday yesterday it stopped working. Each time I tried to log in I got an authentication failure. Purple Twitter is properly authorised on my account and I had made no configuration changes.

Now I'm aware that Twitter has made some changes to its security and is possibly making more changes. Has anyone else experienced this problem and, if so, have they found an answer?

Offline standalone "alternative" installation of Portable Chrome

Submitted by Hans Henderson on June 4, 2013 - 6:02am

The PortableApps Chrome installer by default requires a robust Internet connection to download the actual binaries from

It used to be the case that if you had the "alternative" standalone installer EXE - don't remember if it was the system-wide or the per-user version - in the same folder as the installer, the latter would automagically detect the former and go ahead and install even if there were no connection to the Internet available.

Is this functionality is no longer possible?

[Fixed] FileZilla Portable leaves regkey & file

Submitted by prapper on May 31, 2013 - 8:08am

I think the SshHostKeys are now stored in HKCU\Software\SimonTatham\PuTTY rather than HKCU\Software\FileZillaPo\PuTTY\SshHostKeys & if the connection dialog is cancelled (without accepting the keys) then the file %LOCALAPPDATA%\PUTTY.RND is left behind.

XP SP3 admin, connecting to sourceforge
