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Internet Apps Support

Miranda: Message archive trimming?

Submitted by Rygir on April 17, 2009 - 5:09pm

I'm wondering if Miranda deletes messages stored in the history after some time.

Specifically, I remember seeing an option that said something like "remove old messages after x lines" or after x months or I don't know anymore because I can't find it anymore...

It was without any special plugins at all, since I only installed a handfull of plugins recently (I like the basic setup).

PuTTY: portable psftp

Submitted by rox4 on April 17, 2009 - 11:19am

Days ago I discovered portable putty...

The first problem I found was that I didn't have de psftp on the portable edition... So I just copied de .exe from my NON portable version of putty...

Firstly I thought it wouldn't work, but when I went to another PC that didn't have puttys intalled, and I start putty portable edition (just turn on, without login in any session) and start as well the psftp (copied from my PC .exe) an then typed open "my connection" (where my connection is the name of my current connection prevously saved on putty portable edition) and IT WORKED!

Portable only bug Renaming of base FileZillaPortable foldername causes errors

Submitted by Trahloc on April 2, 2009 - 4:08am

I believe this bug is purely with the portable version not the normal filezilla When initially installed the directory name is INSTALL_PATH\FileZillaPortable and everything appears to work fine. If you rename FileZillaPortable to something even as simple as FileZillaPortable2 the program will not connect to ftp sites.

If a dns is used to connect to the ftp site you get this error:
Status: Resolving address of
Status: Connection attempt failed with "EAI_NONAME - Neither nodename nor servname provided, or not known".
Error: Could not connect to server

Filezilla add-on

Submitted by kermik on March 31, 2009 - 5:23am

I am trying to find an add-on that gives me the current version number of PortableFilezilla in the title bar - like I can in PortableFirefox and PortableThunderbird. Add-ons for PortableFilezilla are hard to find, so any help would be appreciated.

Pidgin with OTR Probs

Submitted by yogi on March 30, 2009 - 9:16am

I installed pidgin and followed step by step this:
so I made the entry in the editor but the otr option does not appear in the tool-area of pidgin.
How can I do that?
I installed Pidgin with OTR on the pc, no problems, but the portapps-version fpr the stick does not work. Thx for helping, friends.

Miranda: "ICQ Warning" " ...version is getting old."

Submitted by werenomads on March 18, 2009 - 12:19pm

Within the last 2 weeks, I started receiving an error message when launching Miranda Portable 0.7.17.

ICQ Warning - The server sent a warning, this version is getting old. Try to look for a new one.

It seems to be an ICQ issue, not a Miranda issue. Is there an update to the ICQ protocol, or if none is necessary, can some internal date be changed so as to stop ICQ from giving this seemingly unnecessary warning?

