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Office Apps Support

Sunbird: How to reinstall a skin from an old version?

Submitted by winterwolf on September 24, 2008 - 10:37pm


I just updated Sunbird to 0.9, but i don't like the new skin/theme. Is there a way to install the one that came with 0.8 without reinstall the entire programme. I currently have 0.8 backup in a zip file, so that i could restore the file i seen.

But my question is, witch file i need to restore to have the skin/theme from 0.8 to my current installed version (0.9)?

Hope someone can help.

Sunbird: synchronizing Sundbird on several computers

Submitted by jwrmansfield on September 11, 2008 - 11:58am


I have Sundbird Portable and also regular Sundbird installed on other computers. I would like to sync them all together.

My question is this: What is the name of the file that holds the data (dates, months etc) that I can sync? I've tried looking for an .ics file but haven't found one yet.

Thank you in advance


Sumatra & Win9x

Submitted by shehaal on August 19, 2008 - 9:03am

Hi there,

The Sumatra PDF portable apps product page states that Win9x is supported, however the product website states otherwise (ref: Whilst it is possible to run the app, the menu bar doesn't display, and viewing multipage/non-standard sized pages can be difficult to navigate.

Are there any other PDF viewer options that are fully Win9x compatible (and portable)?


Sunbird: Autolaunch??

Submitted by darkstar on August 6, 2008 - 7:20pm

You know I really like the idea of Sunbird and its ability to remind me of upcoming tasks... Only thing is, I wish it would remind me to launch it every time I start up Portable Apps! Is there any way to have it automatically launch itself when I plug in my USB stick with the Portable Apps suite? That way I could rely on it to remind me of all the other important events I need to be reminded of...


adding Abiword plugins

Submitted by peter_g on July 23, 2008 - 4:34pm

The way adding plugins (and dictionaries ??) to Abiword 2.6.4

# Close AbiWord Portable
# Download a standard plugin installer from the AbiWord website
# Follow the prompts as normal. Uncheck the option to create an uninstaller when it comes up (otherwise an entry will be made in Add/Remove Programs on the local PC.....

does not work.

Because there is no option to create an uninstaller, which I can 'uncheck' ...... ?!?
