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Office Apps Support

[Fixed] Sunbird Portable 0.9 leaves folder behind

Submitted by Bart.S on October 1, 2008 - 7:31am

This seems similar to Thunderbird Portable, but in case of Sunbird Portable I can reproduce the issue.

The empty folder "$APPDATA\Mozilla\Sunbird\Profiles" is left behind after a fresh install.
Also if I delete the complete Data folder and launch SunbirdPortable.exe, the folder will be created and left behind.

problems with sunbird portable

Submitted by evafan on September 26, 2008 - 12:02pm

I recently chose this program to log medical events of a loved one. I have found it very useful. However I have encountered some glitches.The events will not allow you to save all the data at one take. Secondly I was not smart enough to turn off auto updates. The other day the program updated itself not giving me the opportunity to refuse. It seemed to go ok! Now the program seems to be saving properly. However I had several duplicate entries. I fixed some of these and found them missing entirely when I restarted. I have lost the data for these entries.

Sunbird: How to reinstall a skin from an old version?

Submitted by winterwolf on September 24, 2008 - 10:37pm


I just updated Sunbird to 0.9, but i don't like the new skin/theme. Is there a way to install the one that came with 0.8 without reinstall the entire programme. I currently have 0.8 backup in a zip file, so that i could restore the file i seen.

But my question is, witch file i need to restore to have the skin/theme from 0.8 to my current installed version (0.9)?

Hope someone can help.

Sunbird: synchronizing Sundbird on several computers

Submitted by jwrmansfield on September 11, 2008 - 11:58am


I have Sundbird Portable and also regular Sundbird installed on other computers. I would like to sync them all together.

My question is this: What is the name of the file that holds the data (dates, months etc) that I can sync? I've tried looking for an .ics file but haven't found one yet.

Thank you in advance


Sumatra & Win9x

Submitted by shehaal on August 19, 2008 - 9:03am

Hi there,

The Sumatra PDF portable apps product page states that Win9x is supported, however the product website states otherwise (ref: Whilst it is possible to run the app, the menu bar doesn't display, and viewing multipage/non-standard sized pages can be difficult to navigate.

Are there any other PDF viewer options that are fully Win9x compatible (and portable)?

