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[Fixed] Sumatra uses .dat file and Launcher handles .txt

Submitted by Patrick Patience on January 26, 2008 - 12:39pm

Version: 0.8 Portable Revision 2

The release of SumatraPDF Portable 0.8 (Rev 2) seems to have a bug since there was an extension change on the settings file.

The old launcher for SumatraPDF 7.0 and below was handling a sumatrapdfprefs.txt file, but in the new release [0.8] SumatraPDF stores its settings in sumatrapdfprefs.dat. The new launcher isn't accomodating for the new file type, and therefore sumatrapdfprefs.dat is not being copied to the data directory on close.

Bug in Sumatra 0.8

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on January 19, 2008 - 6:55am

It creates a folder called ${DEFAULTSETTINGSDIR} in my Data folder.
And shouldn't the sumatrapdfprefs.dat go in my Data folder?


Yes. It looks like John removed the DEFAULTSETTINGSDIR Variable from the Launcher code but left it in line 142: StrCpy "$SETTINGSDIRECTORY" "$EXEDIR\Data\${DEFAULTSETTINGSDIR}".
Thats why it creates that folder.

Basic Question about Sunbird Sync/load with Pocket PC

Submitted by rseguin on December 21, 2007 - 2:39pm

I am new to Portable applications, but love the idea. Form the site, it appears that Sunbird can be installed on either a flash drive or a PDA... is this true? Is there a way to run it on the flash drive but sync it with the PDA for access to my calendar when I am not at a PC? I currently sync Outlook with my Pocket PC, but would like to abandon Outlook for portable apps.


[Saved your email from spam - Ryan]

Sunbird: Hour tilt

Submitted by massa on December 16, 2007 - 5:20pm

When I try to change the hour of the event by the main box, after stipulating the hour, it comes back 2 hours before. I tested in in 3 different computers (win XP) and the problem persists.
For example; you put 10:30AM in the event, and after choosing the minutes (30, in the example), the hour goes to 8:30AM.
This bug does not happen if you stipulate the time by 'drag and drop', but this numerical bug makes me uncomfortable about 0.7 integrity.

Sunbird: Not completely clean

Submitted by jsarcone on December 12, 2007 - 9:05pm

I'm noticing 0.7 Sunbird creates a directory as follows:

C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Mozilla\
C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Mozilla\Sunbird

I can delete these directories but the do get recreated.

Can anyone else confirm this? If so what can be done to remove this?

