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AbiWord: Note: 2.6.4 tools installer adds .abicollab file extension to the registry

Submitted by sum1 on July 15, 2008 - 2:52pm

This is just a portability note for those interested in using the collaboration plug-in with AbiWord Portable. As of 2.6.4, the tools installer (exe) will add a .abicollab file extension to the registry if you choose to install AbiCollab. If you don't use the feature or don't mind the registry entries, you can ignore this :).

AbiWord: Changing default font (redux)

Submitted by JeffNeedle on June 21, 2008 - 2:44pm

Sheesh, I've tried everything. I want to change the default font to Arial, rather than Times Roman.

I open the normal template, I select the style and modify it. I save my changes to the template. I close abiword, restart it, and no arial.

Instead, I reopened the normal template document, set the font via the drop-down menu, saved the template. I close abiword, reopen it and it's still Times Roman.

Why the heck should this be so difficult? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

AbiWord: Setting langauge ... how? What? Where?

Submitted by YourNewFriend on June 13, 2008 - 8:29pm

I see this site claims "By default, AbiWord Portable is set to English (US)." - but isn't what I see - I just downloaded it for the first time (from here) and started it and the language is not English (its the machine default)

Then the text goes on:
"To change to another langauge, start AbiWord Portable as normal. From the main menu, select Tools and then Preferences."

Ok... but then

"Then click the Language tab."

Except there is NO Language tab....

Any suggestions on how to get it to start and stay English?

Sumatra PDF: disable update checker

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on June 8, 2008 - 5:34am

Many have noticed the new update checker in the latest Sumatra version.
Patrick provided a link where the author says that he will try to make it disable-able in a future version.

He also says that it only checks for updates every 24 hours so maybe the launcher could update the preferences file till he includes it himself...

Sunbird: addons

Submitted by Swordgeek on May 30, 2008 - 12:11am

Do the addons work like "normal" for portable. I'm trying to add the providers addon for syncing google calander. but it doesn't just go into the sunbird addon download menu it asks me the normal download options with a file. and i don't know what to do with the file next.
How do i get this addon on.

Shared Sunbird profile

Submitted by mattyb on May 22, 2008 - 1:43pm


I run native Sunbird on a mixture of Macs and Linux boxes at work, and I'd really like to use the portable Sunbird on Windows too. I share my profile on the Mac and Linux versions using symbolic links pointing to my data on a flash drive. I don't know enough about Windows to get the portable Sunbird to also refer to this single folder. Could anyone let me know if this is possible, and if so, how?

Many thanks.

Sunbird: Event description saving issue

Submitted by yenshop on April 25, 2008 - 3:09am

After creating an event, I double click it then select to edit "This occurrence only". Then, I edit the description and click on "Save and Close". But when I go back to the event, the description hasn't been saved. I have this problem whenever a window asking to edit all occurrences or this occurrence only appears. Is this an issue with the software or an issue with my Sunbird Portable?
