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[Closed] AbiWord: AbiCollab.Profile file left behind

Submitted by sum1 on April 7, 2008 - 1:12am

Note: This is only a problem if you add the new collaboration plug-in to AbiWord Portable.

Steps to reproduce:
- Install the collaboration plug-in (AbiCollab.dll) from the tools package available at
- Run AbiWordPortable.exe
- File > Quit
- Notice the %HOMEPATH%\AbiSuite\AbiCollab.Profile file left behind

Abiword.exe found a problem and must close...

Submitted by aguillen on April 4, 2008 - 11:39am

Something like like that is the message I receive when I click on the second item of the tools menu (in Spanish: Establecer Idioma, I don't know in the English one). I don't know if this is a bug of the app itself or a portable issue only. It happens both on Windows XP SP2 and Windows 2000 SP4. Or maybe my download was corrupted?.
Otherwise the app works fine. Thanks you very much for your work in Portable Apps.

AbiWord: Grammar

Submitted by clemente21 on April 3, 2008 - 1:36am

Hi, I am attending community college and sometime I use the Microsoft Office to check out my grammar. I was hoping AbiWord comes with grammar checking when I would use it anywhere. Any idea how I have it in AbiWord or how soon anyone can make it happen? Thank you.

AbiWord: 2.6 spell checker bug?

Simeon's picture
Submitted by Simeon on April 2, 2008 - 12:42pm

I installed a fresh copy of AbiWord 2.6 (english only version) onto my desktop. I opened it and the menu is english cause thats the only language it has. But if I write something, as soon as I hit "Enter", a window pops up and says: "Could nor load the dictionary for the German (Switzerland) [de-CH] language." I use Win XP in german (Switzerland).

The same happens if I install the full version. Then the menu is in german but the popup appears anyhow.

I don't know if thats a bug in AbiWord itself but I guess its something with the way the Portable version handles the language.


AbiWord does not "write" the signs I type

Submitted by escamillo on March 21, 2008 - 1:58pm

When typing a text - or even when copying and pasting a text from another application - the signs are transformed into other signs (from a different language?) - making the text unreadable. How can I get rid of this problem?

edit: This problem seems to be linked to the "Times New Roman"- and "Arial"-font. However, the font works flawlessly with Microsoft Word. Any advice?

Sunbird Stymied by Win XP Daylight Savings Reset

Submitted by edlight on March 18, 2008 - 3:33am

I run Sunbird from a dedicated data partition and run several XP's from the same HD using bootitng partition and boot manager.

Suddenly Sunbird couldn't remember the hour being set in a new appointment and would always change it to 11:00.

I found that this only happened from one of the XP's.

I narrowed it down to this:

It happens if the Windows Clock's "Automatically Adjust Clock for Daylight Savings" check box is unchecked!

Hard to believe. At least checking it again fixed the problem.

SumatraPDFPortable.ini Not Being Read

Submitted by Patrick Patience on February 26, 2008 - 12:04am

Alright, so I spent like 5 minutes trying to figure out what I was doing wrong in passing the command line parameter to change the background colour for SumatraPDF Portable through the AppNamePortable.ini file. Then I decided to try to disable the splash, which didn't work either. I didn't check the source much yet, but I'm thinking that it's not reading the INI file properly, or not properly reading all the variables and applying them.

Thought I'd point that out. Some confirmation from others would be good, too.

SumatraPDFPortable 0.8 Rv 3 creates folder and settings file in %appdata%

Submitted by tmaibaum on January 29, 2008 - 2:54pm

This refers to an issue I posted at

John Haller asked to continue the thread here instead.

The last post was by rab040ma:

Are you sure you only have the one copy of SumatraPDF.exe on your hard drive (the one you are testing)? Can you use WinMD5sum on it (and the SumatraPdfPortable.exe) and paste the values, so we can be sure we are on the same page?

So here is the MD5 sum of my SumatraPDFPortable.exe:


This is the sum of SumatraPDF.exe:

Abiword cannot display the menu & comboboxes correctly

Submitted by gi-minni on January 29, 2008 - 6:08am

Hi @all,

after booting Win/XP from a CD-ROM. I could not use Abiword in this jailed environment, because the menus, comboboxes and even entryfields are not shown

If I start Abiword from a full blown installed Win/XP the program behaves normally.

Do I miss some fonts or dll's? I use the ultimate boot cd from windows (UBCD4WIN) Ver. 3.0.6 and an english version of Win/XP Professional. Abiword is the latest one (2.4.6) with german language pack.

Any advice would be very appreciated.
