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Music & Video Apps Support

VLC: My simple experiment

Submitted by m2 on July 27, 2008 - 6:13pm

I downloaded VLC Portable today and got immediately annoyed by it's splash screen (as usually). This time I decided not to make a mess in the main directory by adding a config file and recompile it instead. As I did it already, I decided to remove the rest of stuff that's useless for me, like MUI and CRC check.
Then I decided to make a performance test.
Original launcher: 2.28s (VLC showed up a bit before, but a splash screen covered it anyway).
My launcher: 0.15s. I redid the tests 3 times each, all were within 0.02s.

Audacity: eeepc terror

Submitted by murdockpt on July 7, 2008 - 5:29am

ok, so supposedly you can et thisworking by wine and whatnot, anyways, have the portable program from the site saved to my drive, ran it,andistalledit on my comp. so i go to the file, openit,click audacityportable.exe andnot a dam thing happens...any solutions?

Audacity: Version 1.3 workaround

Submitted by MatthewTennison on June 19, 2008 - 12:07pm

I found a link today on Audacity's website for the newest version (1.3.5 at time of this post) as a zip file. They list it as an option for those at a computer lab that cannot run the installer. I was able to uzip the file at work and run the program without installing. I haven't tried it from my thumbdrive yet, so I don't know what glitches or problems there might be, but from my desktop it seems to work fine!

Here's the link: (under "Optional Downloads")
