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Music & Video Apps Support

VLC: Possible bug

Submitted by YourNewFriend on June 4, 2008 - 9:34am

Not sure if this is a portable bug or with VLC itself, but it might be the portable, so here goes:

* I create a shortcut to VLCPortable.exe
* i add "-help" to the shortcut
* I click the shortcut
* A console window opens and tells me the help has been dumped to vlc-help.txt

So far that's fine.

However - given that I have set the option in VLCPortable/VLC to use English (instead of the machine default language) I would expect the vlc-help.txt to be in English as well - but it isn't - half of it is in English, and half of it is in the machines default language.

VLC: No Fast Forward

horusofoz's picture
Submitted by horusofoz on May 25, 2008 - 11:57pm

I cant fast forward. Whenever I do it restarts the entire media file. Music and video.

EDIT: After checking the original site for info it has come to my attention that this only applies to FLV. For more info see below.

If this error occurs with other formats to anyone else please let me know.

[Fixed] VLC does not create Data\settings

Submitted by Patrick Patience on April 27, 2008 - 2:50am

I'm surprised no one's reported this, or at least not that I saw. Just wanted to point out for a couple of releases now, VLC Portable does not create 'Data' (installer does anyways), but furthermore, Data\'settings', so you get an error saying it doesn't exist.

It's easy for most users to figure out they need to create it, but obviously the launcher should.

Is this just me, or did everyone on a clean install actually miss this?

VLC saved my event!!

consul's picture
Submitted by consul on April 7, 2008 - 7:29pm

So I one of the coordinators for Take Back the Night here at USC, and someone forgot to bring in their laptop for our video projector. The laptop that someone else had handy didn't have any video program and Media player wasn't opening or recognizing the DVD in the drive. So I tried using VLC portable from my usb key, and viola! It worked, the movie played, the night was saved!

VLC: Is it safe to delete the contents of locale folder?

Submitted by neivamj on March 28, 2008 - 11:03am

I believe this folder contains all the translations of the UI (and maybe the keyboard layouts!?). The entire folder is 6MB and that is more than 30% of the size used by VLC.
If there is no advert affect on VLC stability by deleting this folder contents, then it is the best way to save space on your USB drive. Anyone knows if this is ok?

Mário Neiva
