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Firefox Portable

i got flash player but i need 9.0.115 .0 or higher

Submitted by the one and only on January 29, 2009 - 6:56pm

my first post, so be easy on me

it seems that i cant play hd vids(or vids on niconico)

on some sites,(ann vids)it tells me that i need 9.0.115 or higher, so is there a plugin for that?
i could play some yt vids, but if i were to put the &fmt=18 or =22 at the end of the link, nothing happens. so if i were to get .115, will that be fixed?

i would just download the normal flash player, but the computer im using wont let me extract the file(administrative privilege crap)and my firefox portable cant use the flash player on the hard drive(same reason as above, i guess)

Best USB pendrive for Firefox 3 ?

Submitted by nick_2150 on January 28, 2009 - 7:58am

What's the best 4GB USB pendrive to run Firefox 3, I need something that's fast because right now my Kingston Data Traveller 4GB pendrive is slow beyond belief. I carried out all the recommended tweaks to make FF3 run faster and have only 1 extension (Adblock plus) installed but it's still laggy to the point where it's unusable. I put this down to the fact that the Kingston stick is not up to the job.


Firefox & flash issue

Submitted by unnamed on January 27, 2009 - 9:51pm


I'm trying to get Firefox portable to use I've got flash working as I can watch the videos on youtube etc. However, when I load pandora the flash plugin starts, but doesn't display the usual interface, instead it's blank. A similar problem exists when loading youtube's main page. The main section of that page doesn't show up, instead it's just blank. Any advise or knowledge here?

Thanks in advance!


Firefox 3.0.5 / oclite v1.0 plugin - possible bug ??

Submitted by kermit.frog on January 23, 2009 - 11:17am

OK I've just 'updated' from portable Firefox 3.0.4 to 3.0.5 & when starting I get message stating that 'oclite plugin is not compatible with 3.0.5' (or words to that effect)

Looking in the Plugins - & 'oclite' is disabled (as per normal incompatible plugins)

However there's no 'Uninstall' option avaliable, all buttons are greyed out ([Options] / [Enable] / [Uninstall] )

So what exactly is this 'oclite' plugin ??

Suggested revision for support page

Submitted by colinnwn on January 23, 2009 - 10:15am

I have a suggested revision for the support page. Do the developers/website guys read this forum?

I didn't read the support page close enough and thought the link to John's paf installer was the same thing as the xpi installer instructions immediately below. Either way, the xpi instructions no longer seem to work (at least on 3 different installations of firefox I have). I get the error message it couldn't be installed because "the installer script couldn't be found -204."
