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General Discussion

General discussions of portable apps and news.

Legacy Software

Submitted by rectitude on January 11, 2013 - 7:51am

Maybe not a biggie but I was a bit confused when I installed JKDefrag, only to find a better (and supported) solution in UltraDefrag so could we have a legacy category please for software which is no longer developed?

Too many applications, please implement search

Submitted by rectitude on January 10, 2013 - 4:23pm

In the history we have now not the need to be on the website always, but in the little app that runs in my system tray the list grows and grows...

.. so now I crave search.

Please kind and educated developers, can you implement a search box so that if I type "SSH" for example, I see all the potential SSH clients or if I type "putty" I find it straight away?

Cheers and shalom.

QuiteRSS Portable - Layout

Submitted by neumannon on January 10, 2013 - 10:32am

I have been using rssowl portable. It currently isn't in PAF which is why i really excited about quiterss.

After having tried it out, I have a couple needs before I could switch to it 100%.

1) RSSOwl has a newspaper view where all the articles are listed in the browser view. i can hide the article list which is good. I just scroll through the articles using the direction arrows on the keyboard but it would be nice to just scroll through all the articles in the browser using the mouse wheel.

2) Google reader sync is also another option as they use this type of view.

Sandboxie or symbolic links?

Submitted by Hansj on January 10, 2013 - 9:11am

What is the best solution to make it portable?

1. To register a program's use of document folders and registry and make a batch, that before launch setup symbolic links and registry additions, so it can be installed on portable device together with its documents
2. Or to use sandboxie portable or not, and install program in a sandbox on portable

Problems downloading GIMP

Submitted by qt11 on January 7, 2013 - 10:27am

Hey Guys,

I'm trying to download and install GIMP from the Portable App Directory, however I've been seeing the same issue for the last few days...

the download gets to 100%, with just a few kB to go however then seems to get stuck... the transfer rate keeps updating indicating something is coming across however the size of the downloaded file does not increase...


After several seconds i get an error "Reget Error on file"

Site Recommendation: Move the Forum to an Askbot Powered Q&A Site?

Submitted by trust on January 6, 2013 - 5:39pm

I think it's much more useful.

Just see the recent success of sites like Quora or Stack Exchange. For PortableApps the Stack Exchange model would fit better. There is Askbot to provides such a platform for free. AFAIK LibreOffice's support "forum" is an Askbot powered Q&A site.

How do I add PortableApps to Hiren's Boot CD?

Submitted by seding1983 on January 6, 2013 - 5:31pm

If anyone is familiar with the popular Hiren's Boot CD you'll note that he already includes several programs in the .iso that are launched with a command-script shortcut. Among these are 7-zip, CCleaner, Defraggler, etc.

What I want to know is how to add PortableApps in their "native" format to a custom Hiren's Boot image. In the extracted archive is a folder "Programs" which contains the command scripts and a subfolder "Files" which contains the actual programs they launch.
