You are here Platform Menu, Backup and Platform/Suite installer.

Automatic install on initial installation

Submitted by yobydnub on January 28, 2024 - 5:37am

When installing PortableApps for the first time, is it possible to automatically install ALL the apps without needing any input from the user for those apps that require you to accept and press next and finish etc with your mouse? I'm looking for a fully automatic first install of all apps with no user input.

Richard Sparks

Updating Platform

Submitted by stromy93 on January 19, 2024 - 1:15am

Seems like every time I update the platform, I keep getting an error when updating that:

Error opening file for writing:


Then gives me the option to abort, retry, or ignore. So I ignore. Goes ahead and installs the suite, but then won't update afterwards any of the programs.

PortableApps Updater is now very slow at downloading updates?

Submitted by portable_usb on January 16, 2024 - 1:22pm

Hello, I just made an account here but I've been using the PortableApps ecosystem for years now.

Recently however, I noticed that the PortableApps Updater is very slow at downloading the updates. At first, I thought it could be that the USB I'm using it on is slow but upon digging into it, I discovered the updater downloads the installers to the host PC's temp folder and the actual installation process is relatively fast to begin with anyway. It's the downloads that are slow.

Wrong install path, files have to be moved manually

Submitted by stormsh on January 8, 2024 - 10:09am

Hello there,
I use the latest Verison 28.0.1 on Win10 64bit.

When I upgrade the Platform (App Updates are fine) it is installed in the wrong path.
Current path to platform: C:\Portables\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe
Path where updates are installed to: C:\\PortableAppsPlatform.exe

So I have to move the files to the correct path manually. Not bad, but unnecessary.

Is there a way to change the installpath? Shouldn't the new version just be installed where the old version is?

Thx 4 F1.

Feature requests for updates

Submitted by fkbreitl on December 26, 2023 - 6:42am


I have some feature requests for the upgrade process. It would be great if each update would

- install immediately after its download (and not after all other downloads have finished)
- not have to be downloaded again, if the installation didn't complete
- not have additional confirmations, if the PortableApps start menu was closed before the installation started


