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Program stalls at Sync/Preview over network (v2.0.7)

Submitted by qwallath on March 19, 2009 - 9:10am

Hi everyone, I'm having a problem with v2.0.7 of the program.

I use the sync function often over my LAN network, to sync/backup folders on different PCs. The sync function still works fine, but when I try to do preview over the network, the program stalls and I have to kill it manually through task manager or the like.

Any solutions?


[edit]OS is Windows Vista Home Premium 32bit[/edit]


Submitted by eurorpeen on March 19, 2009 - 5:35am


I want to create some sets of rules.

One exemple : to sync or backup only word documents located everywhere on a hard disk, what rules should I use ?

If I set "always include" to *[.]doc and "always exclude" to *, it took only the word documents in the root of the harddisk

Can somebody help me ?

Kind regards

Toucan 2.07 crashes when clicking preview for sync task

Submitted by barbouze on March 18, 2009 - 1:30pm


I experienced this under WXP:

I tried to make a sync task (copy/update).

Source : @drive@/My Documents
Target : @docs@/CG

Then clicking on preview makes Toucan crash, displaying a message saying that an unhandled error has occured.

Otherwise, sync seems to work normally then.


Including / Excluding Rules

Submitted by Peter.Puk on March 17, 2009 - 3:18pm

I want to make a Sync->Update of all of the following folders, but cant get it done

  • %systemdrive%/Documents and Settings/$Username/Application Data/[a list of folders]
  • %systemdrive%/Documents and Settings/$Username/Desktop/
  • %systemdrive%/Documents and Settings/$Username/My Documents/

I had in Tab "Sync" as source "C:/Documents and Settings/" (without quotes)

In Rules -> Exclude

Missing Folders

Submitted by dallen on March 17, 2009 - 8:29am

I know that there has been some discussion regarding older versions of Toucan not copying empty directories; however, I am using version 2.0.7 and I am experiencing this problem. When I tried to perform a "Backup" of my My Documents folder using Toucan I end up with a zipped file. Upon decompressing the zipped file and selecting the properties of all of the contents and comparing the file and folder count to the original I found that there are the exact same number of files; however, there is a difference in the number of folders.


Submitted by eurorpeen on March 17, 2009 - 5:12am


I would like to complie Toucan on Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 and modify the copy option to a move option.

Can you help me ?

Kinds regards

Option to filter preview to only files to be copied or updated (Exclude Files that are the same in both locations)

Submitted by Patchworks on March 13, 2009 - 9:51pm

It would be nice to have an option to see on the files that are going to be update/copied in the preview screen. In other words "DO NOT" show the Files that are the same in both locations.

Right now I use the Always Product and am looking at this product. To be honest, it sucks, but it give me a list of all the file which is it going to change and I can overwrite the update.

Unfortunately, I can't find a easy way, when your synchronizing hundreds of folders which can contain thousands of files.

Differential backup of multiple directories can be specified but does not work (Version 2.0.7)

Submitted by desnoyerch01 on March 8, 2009 - 10:43pm

This entry is actually directed to the developer.

I was able to select two directories for a differential backup as follows:

Locations=|C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP_Owner\\My Documents\\CherFore\\Resume|C:\\Documents and Settings\\HP_Owner\\My Documents\\CherFore\\Scripts

The first run created a base file with the Resume directory, and a timestamped file with the Scripts directory.

Sync "update" mode problem

Submitted by J Neutron on March 8, 2009 - 7:03pm

Setup: Toucan Version 2.07 installed on C: drive, trying to sync a directory from C: to a USB external hard drive K:

In Sync, for Copy and Mirror (Copy) it shows preview correctly. For Update or Mirror (Update) it immediately put up an error box that says:

An unhandled exception occured. Press "Abort" to terminate the program, "Retry" to exit the program normally and "Ignore" to try to continue.

Abort and Retry immediately close Toucan, Ignore stays in Toucan but the right hand window loses the ability to open subdirectories to show files.

