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Hang after running scripts via the command line with v2.0,6

Submitted by jstadolnik on February 21, 2009 - 7:05pm

When running a Toucan script via the command line, I'm seeing the splash screen appear. After the script has done its work the splash screen doesn't go away. I have to kill the splash window to get Toucan to exit.

I'm running version 2.0.6. Also, I'm running the Toucan command line from a batch file. Version 2.0.4 had no problems in running this case.

Multiple Source Directories?

Submitted by danwdoo on February 20, 2009 - 10:53pm

Is it possible to add multiple source directories (not subfolders) to a job. I do IT work and so I like to keep an updated thumb drive loaded with tools and utilities from my computer. I keep them organized into different places on my computer but would like an easy way to sync (and update) them onto my thumb drive in one easy step. If this is not currently supported, are there any future plans to add it?


New to Toucan, am I doing something wrong??

Submitted by survivorman on February 20, 2009 - 11:18am

Hello all, great site and software.

I tried out Toucan recently, and it doesn't appear to work for me.

I used the "copy" mode, to copy files from the source folder to the target folder.

The preview shows the existing files in the target folder as red, and the new files in the target folder as blue. I expect that when I copy, it would only copy the blue files over.

However, when I run the copy process, it appears to indiscriminently copy all files over, whether they already exist in the target folder or not. This would seem to be not what the copy function is supposed to do.

Sync colors

Submitted by artologik on February 16, 2009 - 10:34am

Good application overall; a small suggestion:

The file coloring you use to indicate in the PREVIEW what will happen should be revised to be more "international", i.e. like traffic lights:

Green: New file or folder to be added
Yellow: Existing file of folder to be updated
Red: File or folder to be removed
Black: No change being applied

Toucan: error while backup of KeePass database file

Submitted by christian.weiss on February 10, 2009 - 10:25am

Hi Forum,

i configure my Toucan to make a backup of KeePass´s database file.
(KeePass is not started while i try to make a backup of it´s database file).

I think the problem is that Toucan thinks that the file "Database.kdb" is a folder.

Error: Can not enumerate files in directory 'S:\PortableApps\KeePassPortable\Database.kdb\' (error 267: der Verzeichnisname ist ungültig.)

Translated to english: "(error 267: the folder name is invalid.)"

It would be great if someone can help me.

Move Files via Sync but keep directory structure

Submitted by Nannys_hedgehog on February 9, 2009 - 3:27am

I searched desperately but couldn't find it:
Is it possible to move all files from the source directory to the destination directory but keep the (now empty) folders+subfolders.
I have a download directory with lots of subdirectories that has to be emptied sometimes and I'd like to keep a backup on some usb device.

Backup "Compression Level" is not respected when Format is 7-Zip

Submitted by marioff on February 4, 2009 - 11:20am

Program: Toucan 2.0.4

Issue: Backup "Compression Level" is not respected when Format is 7-Zip.

All "Compression Level" above None yield the same compression result. The same set of files compressed with 7-Zip Portable using "Compression Level" with any settings above (not including) Fastest yield far better results.

"Compression Level" works just fine when Format is Zip.

Toucan Progress Window Suggestion

Submitted by htwingnut on January 23, 2009 - 9:26pm

Love the Toucan app. Thanks so much, simple yet so functional, that's all I want. Syncing between two PC's and a portable drive is easier than ever now.

That being said, in the "Progress" window, I'd like to see what it is processing, instead of just seeing when it had completed processing the file. Good to know for large files.

Perhaps syntax like this:

"Copying file1.exe from C:\Backup to D:\Backup" and then put "Finished" at the end when it is complete with that file.

Thanks, and keep up the good work!
