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Firefox Portable

local index.html as default home page?

Submitted by Adrenolin on November 9, 2007 - 2:20pm

Just setup Firefox Portable on a new 16GB USB Flash Drive in the F:\FirefoxPortable folder as default.

Copied the F:\FirefoxPortable\Other\Source\FirefoxPortable.ini to F:\FirefoxPortable\FirefoxPortable.ini and set AllowMultipleInstances=true. This is required for me since the different systems I'll be using typically already have a heavily running local Firefox process running already and cant be closed. This is now working nicely and both processes run fine.

Firefox In the library?

Submitted by Master_tarquin on November 9, 2007 - 11:29am


I have downloaded the Proxy (so i can use firefox in the library)as suggested by simeon a couple of months ago (i have Absolutely no knowledge of programming)

Has anybody managed to use Firefox in the library (In England)

Firefox Portable like Opera Portable?

Submitted by limextreme on November 8, 2007 - 12:39am

I was just wondering if there has been a version of Firefox Portable that has been made to store temporary files in the system and deletes them (securely by overwriting) after using

I've been using Opera Portable ( which does just that. Before loading the browser, it sort of extracts the settings stored (like bookmarks, widgets, history, session, etc.) and loads it and once you end your session, it deletes it (overwriting and deleting for security). Because of this, the browser isn't sluggish during the session.

Firefox Portable Live in Win98 - Local Home Page doesnt' work

Submitted by jonnor1084 on November 5, 2007 - 1:59pm

I've been working on packaging a website on a CD that will work as many computers as possible. I chose to use Firefox portable since it doesn't send up scary looking security warnings like IE7 does when loading local flash content.

I've been able to get a Firefox Portable live CD working successfully in Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows Vista using the instructions posted on this site. Just pop the CD in and it loads just fine and points to page specified in the FirefoxPortable.ini file under "LocalHomepage="
