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Firefox Portable

Cannot keep the histroy

Submitted by sarahgellar33 on April 26, 2007 - 12:18pm

I am a big fan of portable firefox. However, I found that there is a problem. When I tried to check the history of the webpages which I have surfed, I always found that the history shown in the sidebar is completely empty.
I am wondering that maybe portable firefox does not have this funciton. That should be fine as well. I do not know if there is a plugin or something which can keep the history for me? Hope sb can give me an answer. Thanks.

Firefox default homepage

Submitted by stewpidasso on April 26, 2007 - 10:39am

Hi all,

I've searched the forums and google for this one and I'm not sure what's going on. I just installed and when I start Firefox portable, the default homepage is "" I've changed this in "tools/options", reset to the default, and even set options to a blank page. I still get I also have Firefox ver (u3 edition)and it does not have this problem.

Can anyone help me on this?



All is lost?

Submitted by NewLord on April 25, 2007 - 10:12am

I've been using PortableFireFox for some time now... but today when i launch'd it all my personal data (bookmarks, saved passwords and so on) was gone... all my extensions was there but was set to default...

What happend??? i've found a backup of my bookmarks in .\Data\profile\bookmarkbackups but where can i find my passwords?

I'm using FireFox 2.0b1 and version of the launcher...
(i use this version because it can load with no problems, when i use the local installed FireFox...

Privacy concern when running portable fire fox off of hard drive

Submitted by joesmith07 on April 25, 2007 - 4:34am

I have a copy of Portable FireFox that I copied off of my USB drive and saved on the desktop of my work PC. So, when I search the internet I am using Portable Firefox but running it off a computer (as opposed to a portable device).

My question: Has any of my personal data been left behind on my work computer?

changing views

Submitted by rameez on April 24, 2007 - 4:15am

i arrange my FF so that all the frequently used book marks and the search engine are close in one tool bar so that i can save space in the screen and it has been very handy, but in the recent updates firefox does not like to do this , and the icons are
large and they keep changing even if i choose small icons only, and even after i arrange the view according to my wish by he next login everything has changed.
any ideas please.


Read/Write Required Error

Submitted by itsonlybarney on April 23, 2007 - 7:54pm

Hi Everyone,

I've never had a problem with Portable FF until now. I installed it on my portable HDD, and everytime I attempt to run FF, it gives me the read/write error. As far as I'm aware the directories are writable, but it doesn't work for me, if I copy the portable FF directory to a different location on the portable HDD it appears to work, although the plugins/addons I had installed are now NOT installed anymore.

I'm also unable to remove the portable FF directories from the HDD.
