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Firefox Portable

Firefox 16.0 2nd Profile don't start

Submitted by erasmo52 on October 10, 2012 - 1:48am

Dear John,
After installed Firefox portable 16.0, the 2nd profile don't start more.
I saw that there is a conflict with Torbutton, because, removing that addon, the 2nd profile work fine. But the strange thing is that the main Firefox (1st profile) work fine with that addon installed and enabled. Also work fine the Desktop version of Firefox 16.0 with Torbutton installed and enabled.
Only there is a problem with the 2nd profile (version 1.2 in my installation). Why?
It is an unpleasant thing because the 2nd profile is, for me, precisely to work in Tor mode.

Doble App

Submitted by Groc21 on October 9, 2012 - 7:11am

Hi, I've installed Firefox portable on my PC (old Thinkpad A20P) and it' working very well but I have a problem when I open a web link from another folder (outlook i.e). It is opening another firefox same version but with another personal configuration (from previous std firefox I think). I proceed to deleting entire file but the configuration below is still coming back! If it is not normal, have you a solution? Thank you for help!


Having trouble using Firefox Portable on a comp with Firefox already installed.

Submitted by Degek on September 26, 2012 - 11:12pm

Hey guys. I use Firefox Portable for school work, so I have it on a flash drive and do a lot of things like save bookmarks on it. However, when I bring it home I cannot seem to get it to run properly. Instead it starts up a normal firefox session with the bookmarks and homepage my normal firefox has. How do I fix this?

Firefox Portable and Firemin - does Firemin break portability ?

Submitted by Grantwhy on September 23, 2012 - 11:25pm

ok, probably not the best title for the thread, but ....

I recently found out about a (freeware) program called Firemin that is supposed to reduce Firefox's memory use.

and having tried it, it appears to work on Firefox Portable (15.0.1)

using Windows XP (SP3) Task Manager, with Firemin running my Firefox Portable VM Size is about 327,000K and the Mem Usage at 'idle' is about 2K and doesn't seem to get much over 35K when Firefox is active. (I'm pretty sure that is a good thing :-p)

Running multiple instances at the same time...

Submitted by pausername on September 23, 2012 - 3:23pm

Is it possible to run multiple independent instances at the same time? I would like to have two windows open, each with their own bookmarks, browsing history, ect...

I tried extracting two copies of ffp, and its like whichever one launches first controls which set of bookmarks/history loads. Then when you go to launch the second firefox instance, it just spawns a new window from the already running instance (same old bookmarks etc...).

You would think 'portable' meant the instance is 100% self contained, but I guess not? There must be some way to run two at the same time?

Firefox 15.0.1 and Theme issue

Submitted by OwenMars on September 21, 2012 - 9:57am

Hi, I always used the the theme below in previous versions without any problem

If I extract this version on HDD the theme works fine. If I copy this previously extracted package on a pendrive, the theme doesn't work.

Why this happens? Is there a solution?
Thanks in advance.

Firefox Portable 14.01 takes long time to load, timeout on scripts

Submitted by roddersg on September 10, 2012 - 3:10am

I have never had this problem before except for the last few weeks when I updated firefox. Even clean installations have this error (without extensions or plugins)

When opening pages with have some javascript content, Firefox takes a long time to load the page (about:home, loads immediately). I even get errors like script taking too long to load etc on educational pages. This did not happen with the older versions. The initial load happens and then firefox does not respond for a long time.
