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Chrome - How to change profile path

Submitted by Niccolo on March 21, 2022 - 12:42pm


i see in other topics that chromeportable already offers ways to change default profile path by copying the file "GoogleChromePortable.ini" from the path "other\data" to the same path where is GoogleChromePortable.exe.

If i wrote inside the .ini file "ProfileDirectory=%appdata%" it automatically creates a folder where is googlechromeportable.exe called %appdata% and inside create the profile.

Chrome cannot be started (ERROR: chrome.exe couldn't be found)

Submitted by dncsuleyman on March 18, 2022 - 5:20am

Yesterday I updated Google Chrome Portable, and since then it won't run. Error message: Google Chrome Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: chrome.exe could not be found).

So I re-installed but I'm still getting this error.. Anyone else encountered this issue or know how to fix?

Chrome Browser Beta download link not working

Submitted by prr on March 11, 2022 - 8:02am

When I try to download and install Chrome Beta, I am taken to this page:

link removed by mod JTH

I get a 404.

Am I trying to download this too soon after the update, and the file isn't there yet?

FWIW, the Chrome beta on my desktop is only at version 100, but if I'm reading the link given above, it says version 101? Is that right?

Links Portable

Niets711's picture
Submitted by Niets711 on March 4, 2022 - 8:51am

Good day! I am interested with Links Portable. However, I prefer the one with the Javascript support. Do any of you have the portable file of the last Javascript supported Links Portable Browser? If yes, please send it to me via this email account.

I wish you the very best and have a great day!

Google Chrome Portable - cache directory

Submitted by nikant on March 3, 2022 - 1:38pm


a question if someone has some idea..
Trying to configure Google Chrome Portable to work only on a secondary HDD I noticed that it wrote cache data in the main SSD drive so I found the CacheInTemp=true setting in the ini file..

Changing that to "false" now Chrome writes data in C:\Documents and Settings\USER\Local Settings\Temp\
so it's still a problem..

Also tried in the ini file changing the
AdditionalParameters= --disk-cache-dir="D:\portable\PortableApps\GoogleChromePortable\Other\cache"
(for example)

Opera Portable "private"

Submitted by Daniel0312 on February 2, 2022 - 4:11am

I do love private browsing.
To make it default OperaPortable behavior, I added an OperaPortable.ini in OperaPortable root folder, containing only AdditionalParameters=--private.
It works like a charm : when I start a new, empty instance it's in private mode.
Problem is, when I start OperaPortable.exe with an URL as parameter it starts in "normal", non-private mode.
I wonder if it's intended behavior or...

QuiteRSS Feeds All ِDisappeared

fullstack's picture
Submitted by fullstack on January 27, 2022 - 6:47am

I opened the software as always.
But this time there is no feed in the software.
I have a lot of RSS feeds but are they all gone now?
What happened? Can someone help me?

More Info:
OS: Windows 10
QuiteRSS Portable 0.18.4

I check Data/Settings Directory ..and I can see feeds.db file there..
I open the app using QuiteRSSPortable.exe exe file in the Root directory of portable QuiteRSS
and also try going to App/QuiteRSS directory and open QuiteRSS.exe from there.. and it's the same.

[Fixed] µTorrent (sometimes) leaves folder behind

Submitted by Daniel0312 on January 23, 2022 - 9:45am

I've been doing somes cleaning on my windows7 PC and came across what I now know as some µTorrent leftovers.
After cleaning up everything, I installed the latest version of uTorrentPortable ( then started it and then closed it...
Folder "%USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\uTorrent" was still present, containing one file. I checked the launcher.ini file and I understand it should have been deleted along with its content...
The other files created at runtime are deleted but one won't preventing I guess the deletion of the folder.
