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FileZilla: Is a bug??

Submitted by Dragnovich on August 26, 2008 - 10:08pm

Hello I had just installed the Filezilla Portable. but It does not seems to work well, I basically click Edit > Settings and modify all I need (or just one thing), and when I click the OK button it start thinking,,, and in some time it says app is not responding so I need to click the X icon to abort the app.


Miranda: [solved on my own] OTR

Submitted by g.beck on August 25, 2008 - 9:18pm

I want to use OTR encryption while chatting via jabber. Is this somehow possible with Miranda Portable?

I already found this thing here:

but I don't know what to do with it. Guess it's a beta for programmers? How can I install it and how safe to use is it?

Pidgin 2.5.0 is a bit unstable

John T. Haller's picture
Submitted by John T. Haller on August 21, 2008 - 2:03pm

I'm thinking at this point that Pidgin 2.5.0 itself is simply a bit unstable. I've had numerous crashes on a regular local version of 2.5.0 since the upgrade. A couple a day at least. So, if you don't need the updated MSN features or the Gadu Gadu fixes, you may be better off sticking with 2.4.3.

Personally, I may downgrade since I don't use Gadu Gadu and I'm dropping MSN since I get dozens of spam messages a day on it (and everyone I know on MSN also has AOL or GTalk).

CA eTrust 7.1.501 is detecting Win32/FakeAv.CX Trojan in PuttyPortable.exe

Submitted by scar on August 20, 2008 - 4:16pm

i have even just downloaded the puttyportable package again and it is being detected right away. so i'm thinking this is a false positive. i use putty everyday and it wasn't detected yesterday. i tried updating virus definitions but no new ones are available yet. hopefully it will be resolves soon. can the team communicate with CA to expedite getting this resolved? thanks.
