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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

Zero Gimp - black theme for Gimp

Submitted by ZeroX4 on February 22, 2013 - 6:28am

im ussing black windows theme for windows so i wanted to have black theme for gimp and no such thing existed so i just
made modification of gimp theme green heart which is modification of blue heart theme for gimp

place extracted FOLDER to \GIMP Portable\App\gimp\share\gimp\2.0\themes
than just start Gimp hit edit>preferences>themes and choose Zero Gimp

NOTE !!!
after changing theme restart Gimp or the font will be black (after restart it will be white and visible)

here is download link


[Fixed] Problem with Launcher -- Another instance of GIMP is starting...

Submitted by ag0815 on February 12, 2013 - 7:44am


When I try to start GIMP Portable (v2.8.2 Rev_2) on my Win7 (64bit) PC, I get an error message from Launcher: "Another instance of GIMP Portable is starting. Please wait for it to start before launching it again." After hitting OK the program does not start. Obviously I checked whether another instance is really running, or I even tried it straight after boot-up, but without success.

Other symptoms:
- The same happens for uTorrent and JDownloader Portable, but not for others (e.g. VLC Player Protable is starting OK)

GIMP Extension Pack

Submitted by BLD on February 1, 2013 - 11:13pm

HI Folks;

I notice that the GIMP site now offers a downloadable extension pack for GIMP 2.8 (windows) loaded with some very useable plug-ins.

I tried to install it to GIMP Portable with no luck. Tried to trick the installer by loading GIMP on my PC then switching it out with GIMP Portable. It installed, but would not show up when I put GIMP Portable back on my memory stick.

Has anyone the knowhow or inclination to convert the plug-ins in the Windows extension pack so they will run with GIMP Portable?


GIMP: Error when logging in "Unable to load ZENautil.dll"

tridral's picture
Submitted by tridral on November 20, 2012 - 8:28am

I've had several occurrences of the same problem logging into my work PC

Error when logging in "Unable to load ZENautil.dll"

Only re-imaging the PC seemed to fix the problem and then it would recur.

We eventually traced it to GIMP Portable. There is an article here:

GIMP: Recently saved files are in the recent docs list even if disabled in settings

Submitted by AE-35 on November 15, 2012 - 4:23pm

I configured Gimp to not keep a recent file list but still recent files show up.
It seems like only saved files are in the recent files list.
Is this an issue with Gimp or is this an issue with the portable version of Gimp?



GIMP: Lock Toolbox to Layers Window?

Submitted by quinsam on November 12, 2012 - 1:55pm

Since I prefer not to use the single window display so I can open two images side-by-side (like 'before' and 'during/after' editing) I would like to be able to lock the Toolbox and Layers windows together so I can slide them out of the way quickly (small screen). Even better would be one of those '-' thingy buttons that sends the window to the taskbar.

[Closed] Unknown file type / Can not load nor save any other file type than xcf (Gimp Portable 2.8.2 on Win 7 x64)

Submitted by siger on October 2, 2012 - 12:55pm


My problem :
My Portable Gimp can not load nor save any other file type than xcf. See details below:

  • Loading another format than xcf
    - When I do : file -> open -> (change filter to all files) select a file (for example png/jpg): I get a popup message saying "Unknown file type"
    - When I drag and drop a png/jpg file into gimp: nothing happens
  • Saving a xcf file into another format
    - When I do : file -> save as -> Select File Type (By Extension) : I only get 2 lines "By Extension" and "GIMP XCF Image"
