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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

GIMP: python-fu gets wrong on win7 64 bits

Submitted by retsyo on December 1, 2014 - 6:19am

I have downloaded GIMPPortable_2.8.14-fix.paf.exe, and installed on my 2 PCs with winxp 32bits and win7 64bits.
The python-fu gets successful on winxp 32bits.

However python-fu gest wrong on win7 64 bits. That is to say, a "GIMP Message" diaglogue window pops up to show: 'Plug-in crahsed: "" (R:\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins\

Is there a way to monitor the steps and output while running

Any idea? Thanks.

Need help on location to install plugins in GIMP portable

Submitted by sweetc on April 30, 2014 - 12:58pm


Where in the latest stable GIMP portable should plugins be installed?
Trying to install the "Gimp 2.8 FUS Pack".
The instructions I read were confusing.

Is it possible to install the GIMP Installer on GIMP portable?
If yes, how should one install it.

Thanks in advance,


GIMP: Pfad für Auslagerungsdatei ändern

Submitted by just4 on December 17, 2013 - 10:11am

Hallo zusammen,

wir nutzen bei uns in der Firma GIMP Portable um es von einem Netzlaufwerk aus zu verwenden, seit wir nun Windows 7 haben lässt sich aber GIMP nicht mehr richtig verwenden wenn man auf das Laufwerk nur Lese- und keine Schreibberechtigung hat. Kann man irgendwie den Pfad der Auslagerungsdatei anpassen, damit diese zB auf %temp% erstellt wird, statt im Ordner von GIMP?


LG j4

I run GIMP Portable from my Hard Drive; after updating to 2.8.8 I cannot Open it For Some Reason.

m3b's picture
Submitted by m3b on November 6, 2013 - 11:32pm

I run GIMP Portable from my Hard Drive; after updating to 2.8.8 I cannot Open it For Some Reason.

I have it customized with a GTK Scheme; Scripts, & Plugin's.

Anyone know the exact locations of these files are...


GIMP: Hah Well Just an Idea I had multiple images open, and it crashed. It would be nice to have an option to reopen all of them...

m3b's picture
Submitted by m3b on October 30, 2013 - 6:00pm

Hah Well Just an Idea I had multiple images open, and it crashed. It would be nice to have an option to reopen all of them... Doh!
