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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

Gimp 2.4.4 running from a locked usb-stick --> "error" message

Submitted by peter_g on February 22, 2008 - 3:28pm

I was trying to run GimpPortable 2.4.4 from a locked usb-stick.

First I have installed it on my harddrive, I have run it once and then I have copied it to the usb-stick. After locking the usb drive, I ahve started it.
Well Gimp starts, but the startup is follow by an error (?) message:

GIMP 2.4.4 and Win2000?

Submitted by jacksont3 on February 21, 2008 - 11:26am says:

Supported Platforms
* Linux (i386, PPC)
* Microsoft Windows (XP, Vista)
* Mac OS X
* Sun OpenSolaris
* FreeBSD

Other pages on the site claim Win2000 compatibility, so I don't know whether Win2000 is supposed to work or not. Has anyone been able to run GIMP 2.4.4 (either standard or portable) on Win2000? Mine crashes while trying to load image files.

GIMP 2.4.4 is awesome!

Submitted by Call_me_Tom on February 20, 2008 - 9:22pm

I'm loving this new app, especially with the add-ons(+). I'm a Photoshop & Lightroom guy but using 2.4.4+ in conjunction with FSviewer is awesome. It isn't as intuitive but it is definitely much easier lugging around my external HDD with GIMP installed then dragging my laptop with me everywhere I go; computers are everywhere, Photoshop isn't.

I see plenty of threads requesting new apps or complaints of bugs, I just wanted to say thanks.

GIMP: Installation problems

Submitted by rdbrown on February 11, 2008 - 4:05pm

I have Gimp Portable 2.2.17 installed on my Ativa U3 device, running off of an XPpro system. When I attempt to open a JPG file I am told it is an unknown file type. I do not receive this error with my locally installed copy of 2.2.13. The plug-in folders specified in preferences are "C:\Documents and Settings\user\.gimp-2.2\plug-ins" first and "H:\System\Apps\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\lib\gimp\2.0\plug-ins" second. I can see the plug-in files in their folders. JPEG.EXE is among them.

eps/ps mit Gimp bearbeiten

Submitted by tt-web on January 28, 2008 - 5:38am

ich möchte mit meinem gimpportable auch eps/ps dateien bearbeiten. Durch meine latexinstallation (auch portabel Wink ) habe ich ein Verzeichniss, in dem Ghostscript und Ghostview incl. Schriften und dem ganzen Kram vorhanden sind. Für meine Latexumgebung funktioniert auch alles hervorragend, aber wie bringe ich gimpportable bei, diese "installation" zu nutzen?
Im Ordner


habe ich die default.env Datei wie folgt angepasst:

