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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

GIMP: Pango Error by using Text-Button

Submitted by Aurelius on September 11, 2008 - 4:56am


I've the following problem:

All works fine, but if I want to add text to my picture and klick on the "A"-Button this errors come:


Pango-ERROR **: Unable to open font file C:/WINDOWS/font/DejaVuSans.ttf for font DejaVu Sans 16, exiting aborting...


Runtime Error!

Program: H:\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\bin\gimp-2.4.exe

GIMP: Random Freezing / High CPU Usage

Submitted by dopper on September 7, 2008 - 9:06am

I can use the gimp portable edition fine for a short period of time but after about 30 minutes of working in it, it seems to freeze up (all gimp windows and documents). It doesn't give me the opportunity to save at this point and I end up loosing 30 minutes of work. It's happened 3 times in the past 2 days. (1.5 hrs work lost).

Does anyone have any ideas how I should start troubleshooting?

Here's a screenshot:

GIMP: Importing a photo into a layer

Submitted by tradeinthailand on August 20, 2008 - 1:20am

I have now installed GIMP.

Just one small problem I have found and I am sure it's me. I have tried to create a banner with a photo set into one of the layers. I have not found a way to import the picture into the layer. The photo will only be small (just like a logo set into the layer. I also need to be able to set the position of the photo within the layer.

Is anyone able to help me?

Thanks in advance.

Chris R
