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Thunderbird Portable

Thunderbird Portable stopped working

Submitted by KarenE on January 9, 2008 - 9:27am


I have been using the portable version of Thunderbird on my USB memory stick for over a year now. I typically open my e-mail from one of three computers, all of which have an active virus scan programme. As of a week ago, I cannot open Thunderbird on any computer, and can therefore no longer access my stored e-mails (I can still access my new e-mails directly from my e-mail provider’s website). Do you have any suggestions of things I can do to remedy this problem?

Thank you,

lost the contents of abook.mab

Submitted by arielh on January 7, 2008 - 8:40pm

I lost the contents of my "abook.mab" I still have those in the "abook.mab.bak". Can anyone advise how to regain the lost contents of my "abook.mab"?

I made a copy of "abook.mab.bak" in another folder, change the file name by deleting the “.bak” and put it back in the “:\PortableApps\ThunderbirdPortable\Data\profile” but it did not solve the problem.

Thanks, Ariel.


Submitted by mstinaff on January 7, 2008 - 6:58pm

Fresh install of Thunderbird Portable
installed enigmail 0.95.6
gpg for thunderbird 1.4.7

works as expected.

I have a copy of my gpg app dir at x:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\gpg\App
and a copy of my gpg data dir at x:\ProgramFiles\CommonFiles\gpg\Data

I have put thunderbirdsettings.ini into the same dir as the launcher.
I have added the following lines to the ini:

However in the gpg preferences dialog the gpg being used is still pointing to the /app/gpg copy

installation on PC instead on USB stick

Submitted by martinexena on January 2, 2008 - 1:52pm

According the installation instruction you only need to double click on the download button and choose your drive to install onto.

But when I click on download I only get the pop up screen asking for installation, save or cancel.
When I choose for installation there is no option to choose where the program needs to be installed. It goes directly onto my PC.

But I want to install it directly onto my USB stick.

How can I manage it?

Help - Thunderbird does not open my mail

Submitted by Catfish931 on December 27, 2007 - 10:25pm

I just downloaded thunderbird portable , we are taking a trip tomorrow and I though this would be fabulous , seeing as I already use Thunderbird ... I copied all of my mail over and have used it all afternoon ... Tried moving it to a couple of different computers and it worked great ... I figured I would try it on a different service provider - When I started it -- It ask me to set up my account ... I don't know if I unplugged it to early last time .. I used it - But now it does not work on my original computer .. Please help ..


attachment corrupted

Submitted by cuisto on December 27, 2007 - 8:26am

I have a few mails with jpg near 2meg in attachment
from gmail and all the jpg are corrupted
not the good size, and when I go to the web interface
they are correct.

it's a fresh installation of thunderbird-portable on a sandisk key of 4gig,
500 meg used, the key, is new, and I have scanned it for bad sectors.

have you got an idea ?


No PortableApp Will Run - All Open My Documents

Submitted by rcullet on December 26, 2007 - 8:13pm

Don't know what I did (I'm new to this) but none of my apps will run. They all open the my documents folder.

Even the suite itself wouldn't run. I reinstalled it and the menu pops up.

I reinstalled thunderbird but the icon is still missing and even trying to open some of it's subfolders call up the My Documents folder.

Any ideas?


Rick Culleton

Upgrade notice for "Thunderbird" should not be sent to the "Thunderbird Portable" users.

Submitted by Dr.Mu on December 26, 2007 - 11:29am

I switched from the regular "Thunderbird" to "Thunderbird Portable" a few months ago, then I received an upgrade notice to I first thought it would be for "Thunderbird Portable," so I clicked [YES] to upgrade, then I happened to think it might have meant for the regular "Thunderbird." I went trhough the forum to try to find out whether the upgrade would be compatible with "Thunderbird Portable," and sure enough I found some members were experiencing problems with add-ons.
