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Thunderbird Portable

Thunderbird ignoing LDAP port

Submitted by jorgie on January 31, 2008 - 7:59pm

I am trying to use thunderbird's address book with an Exchange server via LDAPS.

The problem is that no matter what I do, it ignores the port I set (3269) and uses either 636 or 389 seemingly at random. Yes I am saying that even when I check ssl and it autoconfigures to 636 it sometimes still tries to connect to 389.

I have tried deleting the ldap directory settings and creating new ones to no avail.

Any ideas?

Running DLLs from temp folder

Submitted by TexasDex on January 30, 2008 - 11:29am

When I run Thunderbird portable the McAffee systray icon turns red and says a message has been added to the protection log. Every time I open it about five lines like the following one appear in the protection log:
1/30/2008 9:31:54 AM Would be blocked by Access Protection rule (rule is currently not enforced) DOMAIN\username Y:\PortableApps\ThunderbirdPortable\ThunderbirdPortable.exe C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp\nsn31DF.tmp\newadvsplash.dll Common Standard Protection:Prevent common programs from running files from the Temp folder Action blocked : Execute

Thunderbird Portable won't load from new USB drive

Submitted by tij387 on January 29, 2008 - 8:57am

I bought a new USB drive (Verbatim Store 'n' Go 8GB) and copied my Thunderbird Portable folder onto it. But the program usually won't load first time, coming up with an error message. Now, if I keep trying it will eventually load, but not the next time. If I copy the folder to an old USB drive it works first time. If I copy the folder to my desktop - it works first time. If I copy it to the desktop of another computer - it works. So presumably this has to do with the USB drive, but can anyone suggest where I can look to find out how to fix it, please?

re-downloading Gmail

Submitted by markintheroost on January 28, 2008 - 2:58pm

I had a corrupted PTB database. I restored all but my inbox (I tried copying the inbox to the local folders directory but was blank). Now I want to try and download emails from gmail between certain dates. How do I do this? is it a Gmail functionality? or PTB?

PS What's the best way of backing up your profile?

mail files remain on stick after delte from TB

Submitted by ottosykora on January 25, 2008 - 6:32am

I am not quite sure if this is portable issue only, but following I realized:

when I delete let say all messages from the sent folder, all from the inbox etc from the TB GUI, then they do not appear in the TB any more, but the space on the disk (stick) is not freed by that. Checking the folders on the stick, it seems that for every folder in the TB there are somehow two files but nothing is deleted or the files do not go any smaller when items are deleted from the GUI.

"An error has occurred while trying to start the selected program"

Submitted by scurich on January 23, 2008 - 12:52pm

I am at a Fed EX store using a 25 cents a minute computer. I put in the U3 and all the programs work here except Mozilla Thunderbird and Mozilla Firefox browser. Nothing happens except this message comes up in a window with a big red circle and a white "X" and the top of the window says, "U3 Launch Pad." The message is: ""An error has occurred while trying to start the selected program" I uninstalled and re-downloaded the programs, but get the same message. Other email programs work like: "Reach-a-Mail" (a U3 program), but I want Thunderbird!

Thunderbird Portable Data folder on a NAS storage

Submitted by J_Simard on January 22, 2008 - 6:24am

Hi all,

This is my first post here. However, I'v been a big fan of portable apps offerred here. They just rocks! Keep up the good works John T. Haller and friends.

I just bought a NAS (network attached storage). It's an external storage connected directly to the router. It just looks like another pc on my home network. So... my strategy is to gradually move whatever data i have on every pc so i can freely work on whatever pc and get pretty much the same capabilities. I can just map the new N: network drive to my NAS or use UNC naming (\\hostname\directoy) to use the nas storage.
