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Toucan didn't sync - mirror a file that was updated but with the same size

Submitted by roninu on August 26, 2009 - 3:22pm

I am using Toucan 2.1.2

I noticed that a Word file that I updated didn’t mirrored when I ran the Sync mode.
Trying to investigate I found that in this case even though I changed the Word file it remained in the same size and didn’t sync.
When I forced a massive change in the file, just to force a size change everything was OK.

New feature for toucan (while deleting files)

Submitted by hidden007 on August 21, 2009 - 2:17am

Hi, Steve

I think this feature will be very useful:
When some file is deleted, then some custom script can be called, type of script can be selected like rules for jobs. Some veriables like @current-deleted-file@ @current-deleted-path@ can point to arguments. This can be used when working with SVN (where we have to delete file by svn command, in another case it will be restored).

Best regards, Sergey

More streamlined sync processes

Submitted by RnDMonkey on August 21, 2009 - 1:09am

Let me first say thank you, Steve, for dedicating your time to the benefit of others. Many props!

Right now I use Allway Sync 'n' Go, and it works very well, but I am considering the choice to pay for the professional license or use an open-source solution like yours. I've been trying to figure out how to do 2-way syncing in Toucan with deletion propogation, but have some concerns about safety and my sanity if I screw up:

Differential Backup; question about "one source folder" support.

Submitted by dallas7 on August 20, 2009 - 6:54pm

The distribution of your Toucan as freeware is greatly appreciated.
I am using 2.1.2 under WinXP Pro/SP3.

Regarding differential backups and the help file, "Currently this only supports one source folder." Please consider these scenarios:

I do a differential back up on "Folder1"
Inside that is "FolderA" and "FolderB"
Inside "FolderB" is "FolderX" and "FolderY"
This writes the base file.
Later, I revise a file in "FolderY"
At the next differential, that revision will be preserved in the date and time file. Yes? No?

I do a differential back up on "Folder1"

Toucan Mirror Update exception with Thunderbird/Lightning calendar "storage.sdb" file

Submitted by constantino on August 18, 2009 - 6:43am


I found recently that Toucan has not been updating the storage.sdb file from Thunderbird's data/profile folder. For anyone unfamiliar with this file, this stores calendar information for Thunderbird's Lightning plugin. I also run an online backup with IDrive, which although had backed up a more recent version of this file was still fairly out of date.

Command Line Issues Version 2.1.2

Submitted by brentacles on August 17, 2009 - 1:16pm

Hello. I am trying to run this command:

toucan Backup e:\ c:\test.txt Complete Zip 9 ""

or this command:
toucan Backup e:\ c:\test.txt Complete Zip 9 "" test test

The contents of my test.txt file:

And I get an error "Not all the required fields are filled".

From the help file:

Toucan Backup backupfile filewithpaths function format compression rules password repeatedpassword

backupfile - The path to the file to be created
filewithpaths = The location of a text file with a list of paths to be backed up

V2.1.2 Mirror issue?

Submitted by PollieXmas on August 17, 2009 - 1:50am

Hi Steve,

(My apologies if this has been logged before.)

I used FireFox Portable (FFP) as my test directory pointing the destination to my existing FFP backup directory.

When performing the first mirror, Toucan proceeded to delete all the files on the destination that (presumably) did not match the source, but then did not copy these "missing" sources files to the target, leaving the target in a broken state.
