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powerjuce's picture
Submitted by powerjuce on December 11, 2007 - 10:56pm

hey steve
i dont know if you will appreciate this or not, but i want to say
thank you.
While i was hacking my ipod, the hack "leaked" into my flash. And my entire flash drive was corrupted. Thanks to your program i have been backing up every night (i kno it seems crazy), so my flash drive was only a day behind.
So once again i want to thank you a lot.

Command line issue

Submitted by tappet on November 29, 2007 - 8:46am

I'm still having trouble with using the newest version of Toucan from the command line.

Per the help file, my batch file looks like this:

@echo off
Toucan jobname

When I run the batch file, I get the GUI for Toucan, and the job does not load or run. Shouldn't a batch file run Toucan without the GUI?

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong?



[REPOST] System error: The parameter is incorrect.

Submitted by Bulldog on November 26, 2007 - 10:27pm

Oops: I just noticed this question has already been asked, but not answered:

"System error: The parameter is incorrect."

I don't recall setting any parameters. What does the message mean?

Fortunately, PAM Backup still works.

All I'm trying to do is to backup the Documents folder in PAM to a folder on my hard disk with Zip compression.

Moderator JTH: This thread has been locked as it is a repost of this:

Mirror Update issue?

Submitted by John Easton on November 26, 2007 - 9:05am

The sync function help for Toucan states that:

"Mirror Update is slightly different to Mirror Copy starts off using the copy routine and then removes unnecessary files and folders. Usually this is quicker than a Mirror Copy as it doesn't copy all of the files, however it may not create an exact copy."

Could you explain in what circumstance / why it might "...not create an exact copy."

Translating Toucan

Steve Lamerton's picture
Submitted by Steve Lamerton on November 25, 2007 - 2:10pm

As a number of people have asked, here are the steps to translate Toucan.

  1. Download a copy of poEdit. This is the program you will use to translate Toucan.
  2. Checkout a copy of the Toucan source code. You will need an SVN client for this purpose, documentation about checking out source code can be found here, and here.

error processing the source Portable Variable

Submitted by kenrob on November 25, 2007 - 5:11am

G'day Steve,

Using v1.2.0, when I try a sync using the source variable @drive@ I get an error. The progress window shows "Starting..." then an error dialog displays "There was an error processing the source Portable Variable.". I can close the error dialog, but I can't Abort the Progress window, I have to close the application window behind it.

Have I broken it?


is it possible to run toucan automatically and regularly i.e. task schedule?

Submitted by ch90 on November 23, 2007 - 4:57am

dear all,

toucan is a great program I enjoy very much, especially the latest 1.2

I would like to set up an automatic and weekly sync operation. I don't think it is possible directly and I was thinking of using vista task scheduler.

any ideas/kelp would be greatly appreciated.

