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Concern with Synch speed

Submitted by RogerL on February 21, 2008 - 5:14am

I wish to do a mirror(update) between my main USB drive and another when I close my portable apps menu, (WinXP SP2 BTW)

Using Toucan (1.2.1) preview mode it took 9 minutes for 1GB (2,000 folders, 19,000 files)

Function=Mirror (Update)

If I do the same preview function with Ivor Green's Synchronize It it takes 14 seconds and if I use Dimio's DSynchronize it takes 29 seconds.

portable variables how to use?

Submitted by ottosykora on February 20, 2008 - 6:40am

Somehow I am missing here something completely or the manual is not clear.

How can I use the tab variables?
It says there are some variables like drive, date etc, but what to enter exactly where to get something out of it?

if I enter the example with @drive@\PortableApps\@date etc , nothin happends at all.

Trying to create new variable following the manual results in the name of the whole company domain to appear in the big window and nothing more.

Can someone give me some more precise example where to type what and where then see what.

Suggestions for Toucan 2.0

Submitted by neopets_35 on February 15, 2008 - 1:19am

Currently I'm using Toucan 1.2, and have found it an exceptionally useful portable software for my thumb-drive since its first release. And of course, I'm really grateful that AES encryption is added in this version.

However, I would like to know more about the AES encryption in this version of Toucan. What method is it using to encrypt files? Cipher-block chaining, CBC? Cipher feedback, CF? Other than that, is it a 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit AES encryption algorithm?

Anyway, these are some suggestions for the future versions of Toucan.
