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LibreOffice Portable

plugin/extensions in Libreoffice portable

Submitted by Totoche on September 20, 2021 - 10:18pm


I can't find the information to know in which directory we have to put the plugins for libreoffice?

I saw that the dictionaries are in D:\PortAPPs_com_Platform\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\share\extensions\dict-*
so I tried to put the *.oxt in D:\PortAPPs_com_Platform\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\share\extensions
But it doesn't work

Thank you for helping me...

[Fixed] LibreOffice 7.2.0 hash incorrect

Submitted by janvr0 on September 4, 2021 - 7:47am

When trying to install the (Dutch) version 7.2.0, I got the following message;

The downloaded copy of Libre Office is not valid and can't be installed. Due to either an incomplete download or a network problem. (The latter is certainly not the problem).
Try to start the update once again when everything is completed.
(I tried 3 times without success)

Toolbar on Calc spreadsheet

Submitted by Motim on September 2, 2021 - 11:36am

In "LibreOffice" I like the "Tango" toolbar since I found this program, and keep copying it from one version to the newer.
In the 7.2.0 version something is missing at the right end comparing to 7.1.5 version. (Only one pen icon)
I cannot find what makes this difference. Both versions icons are set to Large.
Attached screenshots to demonstrate (in one image). (could not find the link to attach it)
Answers will be appreciated.

Open Hyperlinks without using control key

Daywalkerswife's picture
Submitted by Daywalkerswife on August 13, 2021 - 6:16pm

Dear Forum,
I need to know where I can change the way how to open hyperlinks. By default it works with control and mouse click. I once changed this, so just the mouse click alone opened hyperlinks, bur unfortunately I can't remember where this option is hiding and I need to redo this setting since it got lost.
Please can anyone help me to find this option? My version is 7.1.42 portable. Thanks a lot in advance.

Calc pretends crash after properly closing - since version 7.1.xx

Submitted by Walter Portas on June 24, 2021 - 12:41am

Since the new versions 7.1.xx I have a very strange behavior.

After I restart calc I receive a cash report even I could finish calc without any errors.
I used below Version 7.0.x and no problem. Then I installed LibreOffice LibreOfficePortable_7.1.4_MultilingualStandard.paf.exe and this crash happens all the times. In write and draw I did not realise this problem. I returned to below Version 7.0.x Version and again no problem.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Exit Calc
2. Restart calc
3. Crash report appears and tries to recover the file

Extension Manager Error While Installing Language Extension (bb01ff21_dict-sr.oxt)

Submitted by dejvas on May 9, 2021 - 6:26am

While adding extension bb01ff21_dict-sr.oxt (a Serbian Spellchecker) to the LibreOfficePortable (x86), an Error dialog box appears on the screen with a message:

C:\PortableApps\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\program\..\..\..\Data\settings\user\uno_packages\cache\uno_packages\lu10984k4b7p.tmp_\bb01ff21_dict-sr(1).oxt does not exist.

'Only for me' installation.

[Fixed] Libre Office Still 4.0.7. Fails to install with PortableAppsUpdater

Submitted by shulist on February 15, 2021 - 11:40am

Over the past week PortableApps updater has attempted to install Libre Office Still 7.0.4 (LOS704) at least seven times.

The process is as follows:

  1. PortableApps Updater runs and downloads LOS704 & other pending apps (which all install properly).
  2. For LOS704 it downloads the file once,
  3. and then re-downloads it again
  4. on the second attempt after a successful download it spawns an error message and fails as follows:

64 Bit

Submitted by Bifo68 on February 11, 2021 - 6:39am

Hello Everybody,

are there plans to provide the LibreOffice 64 bit branch as portable app?

Many thanks in advance for answers and comments.

LO Base 7.0.4 (Still)

Submitted by ports4dje on February 10, 2021 - 6:53pm

My OS is Win10 Pro vers 20H2 - build 19042.804 (64-bit) -Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0
Using LO Portable 7.0.4 -don't use 'PortableApps Launch module'<br>

I have installed both 32 n 64-bit Java enviroment
( jre-8u281-windows-i586.exe AND jre-8u281-windows-x64.exe )
It is recognized in LO as<br>

Now I wanted to create HSQLDB database (embedded w Base) and I wanted to 'Creating Tables using Wizard'.<br>
