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Firefox Portable - FirefoxPortable.ini ignored?

Submitted by sydhart on September 27, 2006 - 12:32am

Running PFF from CD, with directory structure:

AUTORUN.INF (custom, runs FirefoxPortable.exe)
  index.htm (custom start page)

PFF seems to ignore FirefoxPortable.ini (when running from either a local folder or CD).

I've read the readme. What might be wrong here?

Integrating With Gigaget

Submitted by ChrisInThailand on September 26, 2006 - 10:35pm

Does anyone have an idea about how to get portable Firefox to integrate with the GigaGet downloader? When trying to make it the default downloader for Firefox, Gigaget only searches for the firefox.exe file and wont recognise portableFirefox.exe??


Submitted by Sin 3 Killer on September 26, 2006 - 4:32am

I downloaded Java form
chose manual install and change it to L:\Program Files\FirefoxPortable\Apps\firefox\plugins It installed and runs fine on my home comp but as soon as i try it in College it says that the plugin is not installed.
In College the Drive letter is E:\ not L:\ could that have any effect on java?
is so any suggestions? also i cant install Java from College couse i dont have Admin privleges.

Thunderbird and Firefox portable integrated in a collection of tools for pupils and teachers?

Submitted by hkarrasch on September 25, 2006 - 2:41am

Hello ,

Our Institute for Quality Development in Schools (IQSH), Schleswig-Holstein plans to distribute a free portable software collection for teachers and pupils. This collection will include a lot of free/Open Source software which is pre-configured for our teachers and pupils in Northern Germany.

We ask you kindly if it’s ok to place the latest version of Thunderbird and Firefox (in a pre-configured form) in this package on our servers for public download. Of course we would place a link to your official homepage and a big “Thank You”.

Pre-configured just means: Germann Language and some bookmarks in Firefox.

Multiple Local homepages

Submitted by iMartyr on September 24, 2006 - 9:37am

In Firefox it is possible to set multiple homepages using the | symbol. It is also possible to allow a user to have multiple homepages stored locally using this setting. Firefox Portable however currently only loads one local homepage, the rest it interperates as an http: address. Just a small gripe Smile there's probably just a handful of users that would use multiple tiddly wikis' and whatnot.
