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Firefox Portable

extensions are missing

Submitted by joshkolb on July 25, 2006 - 11:38am

I figured out what has been happening. when portable firefox loads, it slowly shortens extensions.ini. while waiting, i can see extensions.ini has 20 entries, then a little later 15 entries, and in the end 0 entries. is there a reason it does this? also, sometimes it doesn't list my disabled extensions. when i copy the portablefirefox directory onto the computer, everything works fine. any advice?

One more time... for dummies, please?

Submitted by SlimJack on July 25, 2006 - 9:20am

I've searched in the forums and tried to make some of the changes described but have yet to successfully achieve what I'm after.

I want to be able to use my PFF on my flashdrive so that there is no evidence left on the computer I plugged it into. This is ideal for vacationing, libraries, friends and family computers, etc.

Currently, the only remaining evidence I've seen is that it continually creates a folder dir on the computer's hard drive of Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\ that contains an empty Profiles folder and a pluginreg.dat file.

Can someone very simply explain how to prevent this if it's possible? I say very simply because I think I found another post explaining this but was pretty lost in trying to work through it.

I am unable to use my portable Firefox at the local Library...

Submitted by Dauphinflyer on July 25, 2006 - 7:54am

.. what am I doing wrong? I can start it up alright and it says it is connecting to the websiter but thats all I get. It's like it can not find the Internet connection. I tried to search here on the forum and google, but I must be using the wrong words. Please can you help this newby?

I would be very grateful to you.

Multiple Home pages?

Submitted by Aurock on July 22, 2006 - 5:57pm

More of a firefox question than portable firefox specific, but can you have multiple home pages open at browser launch? I know with opera, you can save a session of however many pages, and when you open the browser, it will open those pages in seperate tabs.

Is there any way to do this in firefox?

Embedded Virus?

Submitted by LordBill on July 21, 2006 - 9:50pm

I recently downloaded and started using portable firefox. I was very happy with it, so I loaded it onto a larger flash drive for actual travel use.

On the second drive, after reformatting and installing portableFF, when I launched the app my AntiVirus scanner shows the following alert:

Virus&Spy Protection has detected adaware.maxifiles..

From the Anti-virus website: distributes spyware called Director. It runs hidden from the user and installs in a way to appear to be part of the operating system.

So I wiped the drive again, downloaded PFF from a different mirror, re-insatlled it, and get the same warning.

lost extension andd themes ...

Submitted by telecofr on July 21, 2006 - 4:05am


sorry, but I'm not very good in english.

Yesterday, when I use portablefirefox on my pc, no problem.
And this morning, at office, I connect my usb key with portablefirefox and when I start portablefirefox, there isn't no more extensions and themes...
I don't modify my repertory "portablefirefox", and yesterday, in office, portablefirefox were ok with extensions and themes.

I try to install again extensions but after restart portablefirefox, the extension say: restart firefox to install extension ??!!??

I must install again portablefirefox at the begin ??

Thank you for your help !
