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Graphics & Pictures Apps Support

Gimp Portable and Windows 7

Submitted by willgoss on July 5, 2010 - 7:06pm

This co,plied version has the disappearing menu selection problem in Windows 7....On 2.6.8 and now 2.6.9 the lettering blanks out on all the menus, selections.....This also occurs in Gimp 2.6.8 and Gimp we cam solve this by using Gimp Themes....which solved the problem....

I tried to copy the Theme file gtkrc-2.0 to the portable without success although I tried it in several places.....

Since 2.6.9 has introduced new errors I have returned to 2.6.8 in Gimp....was hopeful that Gimp Portable would have solved this......

GIMP: v2.6.8 is supposed to have single window mode ... where is it?

Submitted by Mckenna123 on May 22, 2010 - 9:42am

Hi, everyone. Have you been waiting forever for the single window mode?

I have.

I dl portable GIMP v2.6.8 this morning. This particular version is supposed to have the single window mode but I can't find it. Under Ubuntu, v2.6.8 has it under the WINDOW pulldown (, ...). How do we get this in the portable windows version, 2.6.8?

GIMP 2.6.8 Portable - how to allow Windows Explorer show files thumbnails/miniatures?

Submitted by ununpentium on February 23, 2010 - 5:19pm

Hello, thanks a lot for service.
I downloaded GIMP Portable 2.6.8. It works greatly!
Thanks to Portable Apps (.com) Windows registry is very light!

But I need some help about file browsing: when I open images folders in Windows XP SP3, Explorer doesn't show the image-miniature of the files, even if I use the "preview" option in the view menu of Explorer's window (s).

Is there any way in order to let Windows recognize the format?
A shared DLL with the appropriate Registry keys...? Or an utility? Or other?


GIMP 2.6.8 install too slow in XP (more than 10 minutes!)

Submitted by hgc2002 on February 20, 2010 - 7:15am

I've tried to install portable GIMP in an XP SP2, but the install process takes more than 10 minutes! (actualy I've never finished it).

Something should be hapening because I've installed some other portable appls in the same laptop without any problem.



How To: Install UFRaw into Gimp 2.6.8 Portable

Submitted by rudix0101 on February 13, 2010 - 9:31pm

How to install UFRaw with GIMP Portable (This is based upon and builds on a previous post here on how to do this by someone else).

* Prep

Download UFRaw

* Install

I installed this onto my Windows box into a temporary location.
E:\Program Files\UFRaw\bin

Copy the files E:\Program Files\UFRaw\bin\*

E:\Program Files\UFRaw\bin\bzip2.dll to O:\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\bin
E:\Program Files\UFRaw\bin\liblcms-1-ufraw.dll to O:\PortableApps\GIMPPortable\App\gimp\bin
