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Closed Bugs

Bugs that were invalid, unreproducible, or attributable to user error

Posted Updated Bug Title Forum
2014-08-22 2014-08-22 [Closed] Missing checkboxes in "Get more Apps... Platform
2014-08-18 2014-08-18 [Closed] no sidebar in LibreOffice portable LibreOffice Portable
2014-08-04 2014-10-05 [Closed] FileZillaPortable_3.9.0.2 does not support Win... Internet Apps Support
2014-06-22 2018-03-10 [Closed] Lost extensions in SRWare Iron Internet Apps Support
2014-06-10 2014-06-10 [Closed] Portable Fonts Platform
2014-05-08 2014-05-10 [Closed] [Closed]Alice 2.4 Portable Request Apps
2014-04-16 2014-04-16 [Closed] QuiteRSS is not retaining feeds Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2014-03-19 2014-03-20 [Closed] Texter Portable no longer works with Chrome Po... Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2014-02-16 2014-02-23 [Closed] Mail Merge Wizard doesn't work properly LibreOffice Portable
2014-02-01 2014-05-10 [Closed] Firefox does not work in wine past version 23. Firefox Portable
2013-12-29 2013-12-29 [Closed] Language switching doesn't work properly... Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2013-11-07 2013-11-13 [Closed] Apps update errors General Discussion
2013-10-30 2013-11-01 [Closed] Environment Variables not being set properly Portable App Development
2013-10-17 2013-10-19 [Closed] systen gpg instead of portable one Thunderbird Portable
2013-10-11 2013-10-18 [Closed] after restore, apps don't appear in start... Platform
2013-10-01 2014-03-31 [Closed] Notepad++ 6.4.5 deleting plugins settings Development Apps Support
2013-09-10 2013-09-25 [Closed] Media Player Classic's Registry Entry Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2013-08-21 2013-08-22 [Closed] 12b2 killing explorer.exe shell Platform
2013-08-18 2013-08-21 [Closed] Skype Portable cannot be started Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2013-08-16 2013-09-21 [Closed] uTorrent seems installed Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2013-08-08 2013-08-09 [Closed] CANNOT TYPE CERTAIN CHARACTER KEYS ON BANKING... Firefox Portable
2013-07-11 2014-03-23 [Closed] Skype Can't Call Second Launch on WIndows... Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
2013-06-08 2013-10-22 [Closed] Audacity 2.0.3 won't launch on Win7 x64 E... Music & Video Apps Support
2013-05-23 2013-05-23 [Closed] PAL $PortableAppsBaseDirectory path replace Portable App Development
2013-05-10 2013-05-10 [Closed] virtualdub plugins not loading Other Apps Support (Deprecated)
