It's time for another ' Status Update' on what's new in the last week. We've got 100 Apps in 100 Days, app updates, an update on the platform progress, an update on site upgrade progress, and more. Read on for the details
100 New Apps in 100 Days
It started December 1st as the 'days of App-ness' and it just kept going. Yesterday, with the release of QuteCom Portable (a free softphone app with video support), it hit 100 apps in 100 days. I'd like to thank all our developers and app packagers for helping make it possible. Keep watching the New Apps Tracker for each new app. Here's a recap of the 100 apps released so far:
AkelPad Portable - lightweight plaintext editor
HM NIS Edit Portable - NSIS development environment
Notepad2 Portable - Simple, lightweight text editor
Notepad2-mod Portable - Lightweight text editor
SQLite Database Browser Portable - Simple SQLite database management tool
SWI-Prolog Portable - Prolog programming environment
GoldenDict Portable - dictionary and encyclopedia lookups
Gramps Portable - genealogical research software
Marble Portable - virtual globe and atlas
Mnemosyne Portable - flashcard memorization tool
TypeFaster Portable - touch typing tutor
Armagetron Advanced Portable - 3d lightcycle game
Battle for Wesnoth Portable - turn-based fantasy strategy game
Big Solitaires 3D Portable - collection of 40 solitaire games
Brutal Chess Portable - 3d chess
Chromium B.S.U. Portable - fast-paced, vertical scrolling space shooter
Cube Portable - old-school first person shooter
Freeciv Portable - empire-building strategy game
Get Sudoku Portable - interactive sudoku solver
Hedgewars Portable - turn-based strategy, artillery and comedy game
IceBreaker Portable - wall-building-style arcade game
LMarbles Portable - pattern-matching puzzle game
Monster 2 Portable - retro-style role-playing game
NetHack Portable - single player dungeon exploration
netPanzer Portable - multiplayer tactical warfare
Neverball Portable - 3d rolling ball obstacle course
OpenTTD Portable - urban planning simulation
Pathological Portable - color-matching puzzle game
Puzzle Collection Portable - dozens of single player puzzles
Rocks'n'Diamonds Portable - fast-paced gem collection game
Sauerbraten (Cube 2) Portable - first person shooter
SuperTuxKart Portable - multiplayer cart racing
T^3 Portable - 3 dimensional tetris
Tick5 Portable - 5-in-a-row puzzle game
Twin Distress Portable - color matching puzzle game
WAtomic Portable - molecular puzzle game
WinBoard Chess Portable - advanced chess engine
X-Moto Portable - 2D motocross platform game
Zaz Portable - color-matching puzzle game
Graphics & Pictures
AniFX Portable (Freeware) - full-featured cursor editor
Fotografix Portable (Freeware) - lightweight image editor
Fyre Portable - 2D computational artwork
IrfanView Portable (Freeware) - lightweight graphic viewer
JPEGView Portable - image viewer and processor
K-3D Portable - 3D modeling and animation
PhotoFiltre Portable (Freeware) - image editing and effects
Feed Notifier Portable - RSS/ATOM popup feed notifications
gPodder Portable - podcast receiver and manager
Iron Portable - advanced web browser
Juice Portable - podcast receiver and manager
Maxthon Portable (Freeware) - fast, powerful browser
Private Browsing by - enhanced private browsing
qBittorrent Portable - lightweight bittorrent client
QuteCom Portable - softphone, text, audio and video chat
wxDownload Fast Portable - multi-threaded download manager
Music & Video
CDEx Portable - cd audio extraction and conversion
cdrtfe Portable - CD, DVD, VCD burner
MuseScore Portable - music composition and notation
XMPlay Portable (Freeware) - Full featured audio player and library
Evince Portable - document viewer (pdf, ps, djvu, tiff, dvi)
Finance Explorer Portable (Freeware) - personal financial management
FocusWriter Portable - distraction-free word processor
Gnumeric Portable - full-featured spreadsheet
LibreOffice Portable - word processor, spreadsheet, presentations with excellent compatibility
Money Manager Ex Portable - easy-to-use personal finance software
RedNotebook Portable - modern journal and diary
Stickies Portable (Freeware) - lightweight sticky notes
The Guide Portable - two-pane outliner
ToDoList Portable - customizable task management
WinDjView Portable - a lightweight DjVu viewer
Spybot - Search & Destroy Portable (Freeware) - Spyware detection and removal
Ant Renamer Portable - Advanced file renaming utility
AquaSnap Portable (Freeware) - Screen productivity enhancement
BleachBit Portable - cache, temp file and history cleaner
CamStudio Portable - screen recorder and video producer
Console Portable - console window enhancement
Converber Portable (Freeware) - convert units of measurement
Cook Timer Portable - simple countdown timer
CrystalDiskInfo Portable - disk health monitoring tool
CubicExplorer Portable - advanced file manager
Daphne Portable - process explorer, killer and debugger
Disk Cleaner Portable - cache, temp file and history cleaner
DShutdown Portable (Freeware) - remote PC shutdown and wake up
DTaskManager Portable (Freeware) - advanced task manager
DSynchronize Portable (Freeware) - directory synchronization
Free UPX Portable (Freeware) - advanced executable compression
HDHacker Portable (Freeware) - MBR and boot sector manager
IObit Uninstaller Portable (Freeware) - uninstaller and cleaner
Regshot Portable - registry and file comparison
Revo Uninstaller Portable (Freeware) - easy to use uninstaller
Smart Defrag Portable (Freeware) - disk defragmentation and optimization
Synkron Portable - file and directory synchronization
System Explorer Portable (Freeware) - task manager and process analyzer
Texter Portable - text substitution utility
UUID-GUID Generator Portable - generate unique identifiers
VirtuaWin Portable - virtual desktop manager
WinPenguins Portable - penguins running around your desktop
WinMTR Portable - network diagnostic tool
Workrave Portable - repetitive stress injury prevention
XN Resource Editor Portable -lightweight binary resource editor
Pile of App Updates
We're still catching up from the larger-than-usual number of apps requiring updates. A few app packagers have been busy with outside commitments, so we've been having other people finish up their packages. We should be caught up in the next couple days. This includes LibreOffice Portable which was delayed due to some personal committments of our main packager inside The Document Foundation. We'll have that update out in the coming days as well.
Firefox 4 Release Candidate 1
The Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Release Candidate 1 packages were posted within a few hours of the release of the local version and are available for users. Please help shake out any issues before the final version is released in the coming weeks.
Drupal Upgrade Progress
Nothing new to report on this front other than we've been looking around at some Drupal consultants to help assist with the manual upgrade. I'm including last week's update for continuity...
Some more progress has been made on the Drupal upgrade scripts. We may wind up hiring a Drupal expert to assist with the process, though, due to the complexity. We should know more at some point this week. As a reminder, Drupal is the content management system on which the site runs and it is in need of an upgrade to the latest major version release. However, the upgrade process is crashing without any useful errors or any indication of the issue. So, we'll be performing a manual upgrade from version 6 to 7. This will allow us better localization and allow us to implement our site redesign and new app directory.
Financial Update
Nothing new on the financial front, so here's the old update...
We're still exploring some options for fund-raising in the run-up to 2.0. We like the idea of a store where you can buy t-shirts, mousepads, mugs, etc. We're also looking into doing a branded drive just as a fundraiser. We don't want to do it long-term as we're not looking to compete with our upcoming hardware partnerships.
As mentioned before, bandwidth costs continue to grow and the need for additional hardware presents itself, the additional funds are definitely going to help. In terms of monthly unique visitors, we're closing in on the likes of BoingBoing, SlashDot and similar sites and the hosting costs are reflecting that. Currently, we're covering the additional overhead from personal funding sources.
We still plan to kick this off soon after the 1.9 release is posted and will be providing more details at the time. We may do something similar to wikipedia's call for donations, though likely without my face looking sad on every page of the site. :) We're always looking for ideas and suggestions as well, so feel free to drop us a note to our developer contact address or post a note in the forums.
1.9 / 2.0 Beta 6 Platform Progress
We decided against a quicker 1.9.0 release without categories and are finishing it up for the 1.9.0 release. We should have a handle on timing of the release over the next few days as we catch up on updates of outdated apps and a few other housekeeping issues. If we have any information before next week's status update, I'll post an update exclusively about that as well. As mentioned previously, the 1.9.0 release includes the PA.c Updater and OEM branding (final version) as 'stable' features as well as categories and app adding as 'beta' features. The beta features are switchable on and off. They're being called a beta as they will be debuting for the first time and will not have full localizations before release. With the 1.9.1 release, we'll hopefully have the localizations done and can transition them to 'stable' and add additional features.
That's it for this update. Keep an eye on this blog for the next update and have a great weekend everybody!
- John T. Haller's blog
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The date is wrong in the
The date is wrong in the title.
Fixed it, thanks!
Awesome 'stable' updater
Awesome 'stable' updater can't wait!
Adjustable mousewheel scrolling?
Will this update have the adjustable mousewheel scrolling rate? Thanks.
(100? I see 101, plus today's = 102?) +2 Q's ( &1 for community)
Strange, I count 101 apps listed, and then there's today's app, CrystalDiskMark Portable, which isn't on the list, so I guess we're already up to 102 apps in 102 days? or is there something up there that shouldn't be? (or something that doesn't count?)
Now for my two Questions:
Edit: I may have answered my own question, is this the Updater function for downloading apps not yet installed?
folder or not?(And if not will there ever be?)
And since there seems to be some difficulty on the Drupal upgrade front, I've got one question for the community at large.
Are there any Drupal experts around that might have some input that could help with the Drupal upgrade?
I'm sure it would be appreciated.
Should Be 100
It should be 100 as if you check the new release tracker there were 4 pages of 25 apps each as of yesterday (not including today's CrystalDiskMark, of course).
1. Yes, you answered your own question. More details will be available soon.
2. Yes, there will be "Explore App Directory" under the right-click menu in either 1.9 or 1.9.1.
AHA!! It's FreeMat!
FreeMat Portable was released on Oct 15, 2010 (before the "Days of App-ness" started) and thus shouldn't be on this list.
(see, I can count :p)
Also Thank you very much for the "Explore App Directory" option.
(but that's just me.)
I personally will find it much more useful than Categories
Got It
Thanks, that was it.
Hi John You have any news
Hi John
You have any news about this
100 new apps in 100 days (and today even a few more) is an unbelievable success for your platform!
to be honest, i didn't believe your "30 days of appness" anouncement since it would almost double the amount of available apps. now there are more than 100 new apps released!
there's just one word to say: congratulations!
hope you get your drupal troubles fixed soon!
ps: still hoping that the piriform apps (CCleaner, Speccy, Recuva, Defraggler) are one of the 100+ new apps, since they are already available as "portable build" at the piriform homepage.
Looking at the news...
...and I see 11 new apps today, and yesterday, is that a record for PA?
Looking forward to tomorrow
Why ?
What's special about tomorrow
Nothing really...
Just if the last couple of days were anything to go by, loads more apps
For a moment there I thought we might be seeing the elusive new platform.
Ah well there's always next year.
if you don't drown in sarcasm
if you don't drown in sarcasm before...
Actually I think there is more chance of that than seeing the new platform.:P
Who knows...
Whether you're right or wrong, one thing about it, don't hold your breath waiting on the new platform. I do think the platform is coming relatively soon, but every aspect of its release seems to be extremely slow. Hopefully the wait will be over soon.
Progress Update in a Few Days
Rather than post a very-late progress update for the week ending tonight, I'll roll it up with the next and post it in a few days with some new developments:
Thanks for the heads-up
Thanks for letting us know what you are thinking so that we know a new update is a few more days away.
A few days ?
What happened ?
Hit a bit of a wall code-wise with LibreOffice and the new installer methods. Nearly have it sorted, so I'll post that release and an update tomorrow!
LibreOffice Portable is packaged and being delivered to The Document Foundation now so it's on track for release tomorrow (their first available time to post it). I'll post a status update tomorrow afternoon once it's up
EDIT (Mar 29): Make that Wednesday. Wound up working another 8 hours on LibreOffice bugs to get it done, so it'll be out tomorrow and I'll post the associated status update then.
Valve Time again?
...make that Thursday...
Tomorrow never comes.
Just like the new platform.:(
Honestly, I was just exhausted after pulling a couple 3am nights fixing some LibreOffice issues to ensure a proper release. I've got a flight in a couple hours I have to get to but should have time to post the update from the hotel later today.
Thanks for all your work.
Big fan of LibreOffice, and IMHO, well worth any delays on a status update post. Get some sleep and don't worry about the complainers.
I'm not complaining, just
I'm not complaining, just don't set a date if you don't know for sure you'll be ready by then. just say "soon" instead of "tomorrow". I'm in no hurry to get updates, especially when this project is time consuming for the developers and open-source, I know what that implies for the people who work on it just because they believe in sharing, and that their lives must come first. I just don't think it's good for anyone to keep setting deadlines and then delaying them. It's just best to say that it'll be out soon enough.
Keep up the good work John.
Next Update Tomorrow
I'm stuck in a hotel in Florida with broken internet, so I'm using my cell phone to limp along just to connect. In terms of time, I had time to do the update or today's app, so I went with today's app, making 121 new-app-each-day in a row. The update will be posted tomorrow provided I get net access at a relative's place. Nothing earth-shattering to note other than the LibreOffice release and an upcoming round of translations we'll be launching once I get back in the office on Monday. Until then...
What a mess...
I'm sure John is busting his tail on all of this and it sure sounds like the financial aspect is far from ideal. Obviously, I don't understand why this is like dragging a horse to water and trying to get it to drink. There is a lot I don't know and I can only guess that a tiered bit-by-bit roll out of features might have been better rather than an agonizing wait for Platform 2.0 (or even 1.9.x) in one big update.
But I especially don't know what to think when the Platform update is supposedly around the corner for months. Then on top of it, we go 3 weeks without an update (so much for the weekly updates -- how long did it take for that to fizzle out?) and John says in references to the next update... "Nothing earth-shattering to note". That makes me feel a lot better. Not. But it is very fitting.
I guess I'm an idiot for waiting on the the Platform update. I should have remembered the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."