Test Releases

As with most open source projects, PortableApps.com makes available test versions of our software for people to test before we post a 'final' or 'stable' version of an application.


Releases labeled 'Pre-Release' are either late beta or release candidate quality builds of applications posted for final testing before release. These are applications that are already in the application list or will be once they've been fully tested by the community.

Application App Type Developer Release Updated Awaiting

Development Test Releases

Releases labeled 'Development Test' and bearing the black and white PortableApps.com Development Test Release splash screen are alpha or beta quality builds of applications meant for developers to test new features and new applications or for newer developers who have not yet released software on PortableApps.com. As some may be from inexperienced developers or packagers, they should be scanned for viruses before installation and tested in a secure environment. These releases are for testers only and are not intended for everyday use.

Application App Type Developer Release Updated     
1by1 Music & Video: audio player prapper 1.83 Dev Test 1 2014-11-11
Aegisub Music & Video: Advanced Subtitle Editor mwayne 3.2.2 Dev Test 1 2016-04-12
Alien Blaster Games: old-school space shooter mjashby 1.1.0 Dev Test 3 2011-04-18
Alloy Analyzer Education: relational modelling tool Matt Nadareski 4.2 2014‑05‑16 Dev Test 1 2014-06-10
Anti-Twin Utilities: duplicate files finder mwayne 1.8d Dev Test 1 2014-07-14
AssimpView Graphics & Pictures: multiformat model viewer Matt Nadareski 3.1.1 Dev Test 1 2014-07-26
Asymptote Graphics & Pictures: vector modeling language Matt Nadareski 2.32 Dev Test 1 2014-06-11
Atom Development: A 'hackable' text editor haknode 1.7.0 Dev Test 1 2016-04-13
AutoHotkey Utilities: macro scripting mwayne Dev Test 1 2016-04-07
BASIC-256 Development: BASIC programming language & IDE for learners renejm (Publisher) DT1  / 2013-02-16 2014-10-27
Bat2Exe Bat2Exe converts batch (.bat) files to exec (.exe) format. Dan Carroll 0.5.5 Dev Test 1 2015-11-07
Bat To Exe Converter Utilities: Batch to EXE converter Matt Nadareski Dev Test 1 10-06-2014
Beeftext Utilities: An open-source text substitution tool. xmichelo 0.12 Dev Test 1 2018-02-27
BirdFont Graphics & Pictures: Font editor Johan Mattsson (Publisher) 2.5.0 Dev Test 1 2014-11-06
Bitcoin Core Internet: peer-to-peer electronic cash system r.brem 0.15.1 Dev Test 3 2018-02-03
Bitmessage Internet: Encrypted P2P chat client Scriptdaemon Dev Test 1 2018-04-11
Blob Wars - Episode 1 Games: Platform Game mjashby 1.19 Dev Test 1 2011-04-18
BlueGriffon Internet: Gecko-based web IDE Matt Nadareski 1.7.2 Dev Test 1 2013-09-25
Bombermaaan Game: Bomberman clone Simeon 1.4 Dev Test 3 2011-09-22
Bookbinder Utilities: PDF book binder Gord Caswell 3.0 Dev Test 2 2012-01-16
Bos Wars Games: RTS Scriptdaemon 2.7 Dev Test 1 2015-01-15
Bricx Command Center Development: Programmable Brick IDE Shea Bunge Dev Test 4 2012-05-01
Cannon Smash Games: table tennis vf2nsr 0.6.6 Dev Test 2 2010-05-25
CarotDAV Internet: WebDAV client and more mwayne 1.12.7 Dev Test 1 2016-04-17
Celtx Music & Video: pre-production and collaboration Marcus D 2.9.7 Dev Test 1 2012-04-15
Chex Quest 1-3 Games: 90's Advertisement Game Matt Nadareski 1.4.0 Dev Test 1 2012-10-24
Claws Mail Internet: email client boshuda 3.8.0 Dev Test 3 2012-02-03
Clementine Music & Video: music player and organizer kAlug 1.1.1 Dev Test 1 2013-01-11
Code::Blocks Development:Code::Blocks is a powerful C++ IDE. Samuel Ferreira 16.01 Dev Test 1 2016-05-29
ColorConsole Utilities: mulit-featured DOS console Shea Bunge 2.03 Dev Test 1 2012-09-28
ConEmu Development:ConEmu is local terminal emulator for Windows. Samuel Ferreira 160522 Dev Test 1 2016-05-26
CopyPath Utilities: file path formatter Matt Nadareski 0.0.2 Dev Test 1 2013-10-07
Critical Mass (aka Critter) Games: A space shoot 'em up game - similar to Galaxian mjashby 1.0 Dev Test 1 2011-04-19
CurrPorts Internet: Network port monitor Matt Nadareski 2.0.9 Dev Test 1 2013-09-25
D-Fend Reloaded Games: Frontend for DOSBox and ScummVM Matt Nadareski 1.3.5 Dev Test 1 2013-10-03
DaemonFS Utilities: Real time file monitoring software Brandon C. 1.1 Dev Test 1 2012-04-18
Dash Core Internet: Dash (DASH) is a privacy-centric digital currency with instant transactions r.brem Dev Test 3 2018-02-03
DbVisualizer Utilities: Database 5keeve 9.1.11 Dev Test 1 2014-11-09
DC++ Internet: File sharing client mjashby 0.782 Dev Test 3 2011-04-19
Digsby Internet: Multi-protocol chat client Matt Nadareski Build 92 r30295 Dev Test 4 2013-11-03
Docear Office: Academic literature suite Matt Nadareski build 232 Dev Test 1 2014-06-11
DocFetcher Utilities: fast document search mwayne 1.1.16 Dev Test 1 2016-02-09
Dolphin Emulator Games: GameCube/Wii emulator Jhonn 5.0 Pre-Release 1 2016-09-13
Drago Games: the famous game Go tapsklaps 4.21 Dev Test 4 2013-09-02
DriveSecurity Utilities: USB Drive Antivirus ClevX, LLC 0.69.1 Dev Test 1 2015-08-17
Dropbox Internet: Sync Dropbox client Tal 1.2.51 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Earth Clock Utilities: clock vf2nsr Dev Test 1 2010-04-03
Eclipse Development: programming IDE mwayne 4.5.2 Dev Test 1 2016-04-10
Deutsche eMark Internet: peer-to-peer electronic cash system r.brem Dev Test 1 2018-02-09
DopeCoin Internet: A digital currency for marijuana enthusiasts r.brem Dev Test 1 2018-02-24
Ember Media Manager Music & Video: media manager horusofoz 1.2 Dev Test 1 2010-12-27
Enchanted Keyfinder Utilities: product key finder Scriptdaemon 0.1 Beta 7 Dev Test 1 2011-02-03
Enigma Games: puzzle mjashby 1.32 Dev Test 1 2011-03-11
ePSXe 1.9.4 Games: Playstation X emulator VirtualVirgo 1.9.4 Dev Test 1 2014-02-22
Everything Utilities: search engine mwayne Dev Test 1 2014-09-06
Explorador FF Graphics & Pictures: Interactive fractal explorer Sergio CT 5.1 Dev Test 1 2014-02-03
eXpresso Utilities: portable file association manager Brandon C. 1.3.1 2011-03-17
ezQuake Games: FPS prapper 2.0.1 Dev Test 1 2010-04-22
FaxTool Utilities: TIF/PDF joiner and splitter Scriptdaemon 0.20 Dev Test 1 2016-04-03
FBReader Office: eBook reader prapper 0.12.2 Dev Test 1 2010-02-02
Feed the Beast Games: Minecraft modpacks Matt Nadareski 1.2.7 Dev Test 1 2013-09-24
File Blender Utilities: file conversion Scriptdaemon 0.36 Dev Test 1 2016-10-30
FindBugs Development:Static analysis tool to look for bugs in Java code Samuel Ferreira 3.0.1 Dev Test 2 2016-05-26
Fish Fillets - NG Games: A challenging Platform Puzzle Game mjashby 1.0 Dev Test 1 2011-04-13
FlashBin Utilities: portable recycle bin Erik Pilsits Dev Test 1 2008-09-26
FlicFlac Music & Video: audio converter Scriptdaemon 1.03 Dev Test 1 2016-03-28
FoFix Games: Frets on Fire fix BassFZ 3.121 Dev Test 1 2010-09-24
FreeCol Games: Civilization clone thesupremecommander 0.9.5 Dev Test 1 2011-01-11
FreeMind Graphics & Pictures: free mind-mapping software written in Java andriuz 1.0.0 RC3 Dev Test 1 2008-04-19
Freeplane Office: Mind map editor Dimitry Polivaev 1.2.19_02 Dev Test 1 2012-08-30
FreeRapid Downloader Internet: download manager Kiriko 0.86 Update 1 Dev Test 1 2011-12-16
Frogatto and Friends Games: Platform Game mjashby 1.03 Dev Test 3 2011-04-26
Game Editor Development: 2D games designer mjashby 1.4.0 Dev Test 1 2011-02-20
GameSave Manager Utilities bill_gagliardi 3.1.455.0 Dev Test 1 01-08-2018
GanttProject Office: project management Chris Morgan 2.0.10 Dev Test 1 2009-11-08
GeoGebra Education: mathematics software kAlug 4.0 Dev Test 1 2012-01-05
Git Development: version control Shea Bunge 2.11 Dev Test 1 2016-12-08
Glary Utilities Utilities: system optimizer Prapper 2.x.x.x Dev Test 1 2010-11-30
gnuplot Education: graphing utility Matt Nadareski 4.6.5 Dev Test 1 2014-06-12
Godot Games: game engine Gord Caswell 2.1.1 Dev Test 1 2016-NOV-20
Google2SRT Music & Video: YouTube subtitle downloader mwayne 0.7.5 Dev Test 1 2016-04-11
Google Earth Pro Education: the portable online world map rdd Dev Test 1 2018-01-07
gpg4usb Security: Editor with GPG encryption capability gpg4usb_team 0.3.2-1 Dev Test 5 2013-02-26
Graph Education: mathematical graph plotter kAlug 4.3 Dev Test 2 2013-02-26
GraphCalc Education: calculator Casey C. 4.0.1 Dev Test 6 2008-03-27
Graphical Ping Utilities: host testing Pyromaniac 3.10 Dev Test 1 2012-02-15
Greenfoot Development: Java IDE Matt Nadareski 2.3.0 Dev Test 2 2013-09-25
GSview Graphics & Pictures: Postscript viewer Matt Nadareski 5.0 Dev Test 2 2013-11-03
GTD-Free Office: todo manager Pyromaniac 0.4.3 Dev Test 1 2011-08-21
GVEdit Graphics & Pictures: Graph and tree generator Matt Nadareski 2.34 Dev Test 2 2013-09-30
Haskell Platform Development: GHC compiler and utilities Mihail Buryakov 2012.4.0.0 Dev Test 2 2012-11-22
HDD Low Level Format Tool Utilities: hdd low level format tool rdd 4.40 Dev Test 1 2017-05-28
HDD Raw Copy Tool Utilities: hdd raw copy tool rdd 1.10 Dev Test 1 2017-05-28
HeeksCAD Graphics: CAD Shane Thompson 0.10 Dev Test 1 2010-07-13
HFS Internet:HFS Portable is a simple, standalone web server designed for file sharing Samuel Ferreira 2.3h Build 296 Dev Test 3 2016-05-24
higan Games: SNES emulator Matt Nadareski v093 Dev Test 1 2013-10-18
HomeBank Office: accounts prapper 4.4 Dev Test 1 2011-09-03
HostsMan Utilities: hosts file manager rdd 4.8.106 Dev Test 1 2018-01-04
HTTPhotos Graphics & Pictures: freeware web photo gallery maker digicamsoft 3.1 Dev Test 6 2014-06-09
HTTrack Internet: offline website copier kAlug 3.46-1 Dev Test 1 2013-01-11
Hugin Graphics & Pictures: panorama creator Pyromaniac 2011.4.0 Dev Test 2 2011-01-03
IconsExtract Graphics & Pictures: Icon extractor Matt Nadareski 1.47.0 Dev Test 1 2012-11-16
IDAImageEditor Graphics & Pictures: screenshot tool Moonbase 3.0 Dev Test 1 2010-09-09
IH Wake On LAN Internet: networking utilities Bensawsome 0.031 Dev Test 2 2008-06-19
ImgBurn Utilities: image burner Voltron43 Dev Test 3 2011-02-08
Inno Setup Development: Installer Packer Danny Muniz Dev Test 1 2011-06-25
INSTEAD Games: Interactive fiction interpreter P@S@f 3.0.1 Dev Test 1 2017-06-25
JabRef Office: reference manager Gord Caswell 2.8.1 Dev Test 1 2012-07-24
Jajuk Music & Video: music player vf2nsr 1.8.5 Dev Test 1 2010-04-22
JavaDjvu Office: DjVu document viewer rab040ma 0.8.09 Dev Test 3 2008-01-25
JDownloader Internet: download manager mwayne 2.0 Beta Dev Test 1 2016-02-19
Jin Games: chess vf2nsr 2.14.1 Dev Test 1 2010-04-13
Jomic Office: comic book viewer/converter winterblood 0.9.34 Dev Test 1 2012-02-13
jPDF Tweak Utilities: PDF manipulation Gord Caswell 1.1 Dev Test 2 2012-01-24
KDiff3 Utilities: diff and merge tool Samuel Ferreira 0.9.98 Dev Test 3 2014-12-17
Ketarin Internet: downloader/updater Voltron43 1.5.0 Dev Test 1 2011-02-09
LameXP Music & Video: Audio Converter Ed Riethorst Dev Test 1 2014-03-19
Last.fm Music & Video: media player mjreynolds Dev Test 1 2010-08-17
Launchy Utilities: application launcher vf2nsr 2.5 Dev Test 1 2010-04-15
Lazarus Development: Free Pascal IDE Gord Caswell 1.4.4 Dev Test 1 2015-11-16
LDAP Admin Internet: LDAP administration tool beppegg 1.1.0 Dev Test 1 2010-06-13
LICEcap Graphics & Pictures: screen capture prapper 1.1 Dev Test 1 2010-07-16
Linphone Utilities: Multi-line opensource SIP VOIP client Daniel Sokolowski (2013-03-21) Dev Test 1 2013-04-01
LockDown My Computer Utilities: Windows & IE Registry Tweaks Matt Gulden 0.2 Dev Test 1 2011-05-17
LWBlat GUI Utilities: GUI front-end for the Blat e-mail sender LWC 1.3.3 Development Test 9 2018-05-25
LyX Office: WYSIWYG TeX editor and frontend Matt Nadareski 2.0.6 Dev Test 10 2013-10-22
Mari0 Games: Mario with a portal gun. Bennieboj 1.6 Dev Test 1 2012-03-22
Maxima Education: computer algebra system Scriptdaemon 5.41.0 Dev Test 1 2017-11-28
Medieval CUE Splitter Music & Video: Audio splitter Matt Nadareski 1.2 Dev Test 1 2013-10-01
Mednafen Games: Video Game Emulator with Front End starrysky 0.8.D Dev Test 2 2013-02-05
MELM Utilities: German lottery tool Moonbase 6.54 Dev Test 2 2010-09-09
Messenger for Desktop Internet: Wrapper for Messenger.com Laibcoms 2.0.9 Dev Test 1 2017-07-02
Midori Internet: web browser EndlessSummer42 Dev Test 1 2012-03-14
MiKTeX Office: TeX editor and toolset mwayne 2.9.5857 Dev Test 1 2016-02-15
Minecraft Games: Break blocks, place blocks. Also: Adventure awaits! richo 1.6.89-j Dev Test 7 2018-07-30
MinGW Development: compiler/system tools sar3th 5.1.4 Dev Test 5 2009-05-17
Miro Music & Video: video player & IPTV kai.inouye 3.0.3 Dev Test 2 2010-08-23
MKVExtractGui-2 Music & Video: MKV stream extractor Ed Riethorst 2.2.9 Dev Test 1 2013-02-21
MKVToolNix Music & Video: MKV toolset Matt Nadareski 6.5.0 Dev Test 1 2013-10-25
MobaXterm Utilities: Enhanced terminal utility and more Matt Nadareski 7.1 Dev Test 1 2014-07-30
MongoDB Development: NoSQL database lightchpa BETA 4 release 1 2016-08-12
MorseRabbit Utilities: morse code trainer Scriptdaemon 0.21 Dev Test 1 2015-05-31
Mp3tag Music & Video: mp3 tag editor prapper 2.77 Dev Test 1 2016-04-24
Mp3 Tag Tools Music & Video: mp3 tag editor prapper 1.2 Dev Test 1 2009-10-20
MP3val Music & Video: mp3 integrity checker Simeon 0.1.8 Dev Test 1 2009-06-30
Mr. Pink runs Games: Running Cyber Corporation 1.0.0 Dev Test 1 2014-21-04
MSYS Development: UNIX tools pmwheatley 1.10.11 Dev Test 1 2011-12-12
MSysGit Development: SCM software Steven Hancock 1.6.5 Dev Test 1 2010-03-04
MultiObfuscator Utilities: Security bill_gagliardi 2.00 Dev Test 1 2012-07-13
Multiupload Batch Uploader Internet: file sharing Sapioit 0.69.1 Dev Test 1 2011-02-17
Mupen64Plus Games: Nintendo 64 emulator Matt Nadareski 2.0 Dev Test 2 2013-11-01
MyContacts Office: Manage Contacts, Birthdays, Dates and Tasks Andreas Kraiss 3.0 Dev Test 1 2011-08-27
Natron Music & Video: Compositing Software Gord Caswell 2.3.14 Dev Test 1 2018-AUG-25
Nemp Music & Video: Music player depp.jones 4.6.2 Dev Test 2 2014-10-01
Neo's SafeKeys Security: keylogger protection Gord Caswell 3.1.4 Dev Test 1 2012-08-26
Netbeans Development: IDE caseyn 6.9 Dev Test 1 2010-07-27
Nettalk Internet: IRC client kAlug 6.7.16 Dev Test 1 2013-01-11
NetWorx Utilities: bandwidth monitor mwayne 5.5.3 Dev Test 1 2016-04-14
NeXT Commander Utilities: A program to control every aspect of the Mindstorms NXT. Shea Bunge Dev Test 1 2011-12-24
NexusFont Utilities: font manager Moonbase Dev Test 1 2011-01-27
NirLauncher Utilities: launcher for numerous freeware programs prapper 1.11.41 Dev Test 1 2012-01-17
no$gba Games: lightweight GBA and DS emulator Matt Nadareski 2.7 Dev Test 1 2013-10-31
Numpty Physics Games: draw squiggles Chris Morgan 0.2 Dev Test 1 2008-11-01
NVDA Accessibility: screen reader winterblood 2014.3 Dev Test 1 2014-10-24
NWC Viewer Portable Music & Video: view, perform, and print NoteWorthy Composer files nwsw-Eric 2.51 Beta 1 2013-05-24
OpenArena Games: FPS Scriptdaemon 0.8.8 Dev Test 2 2013-10-22
OpenCPN Utilities: Marine navigation software and chartplotter Matt Nadareski 3.2.2 Dev Test 1 2013-09-25
Open Hardware Monitor Utilities: Temperature and hardware state utility Matt Nadareski 0.6.0 Dev Test 1 2013-09-25
OpenJDK Development: Java implementation gluxon 7 Update 9 b02 Dev Test 2 2012-11-23
OpenPuff Security: steganography, watermarking mjashby 4.00 Dev Test 1 2012-07-12
OpenShot Music & Video: video editor Gord Caswell 2.4.3 Dev Test 1 2018-SEP-29
Orwell Dev-C++ Development: C++ IDE Scriptdaemon 5.11 Dev Test 1 2015-05-23
Osu! Games: Rhythm Game Frowned Dev Test 1 2017-12-02
Out2Lunch Utility: Lunch finder Michael D. Shook Dev Test 1 2013-03-12
PAM Theme Builder Utilities: platform theme design tool solanus 2010-11-20
PathSync Utilities: syncronization prapper 0.35 Dev Test 2 2010-07-06
Pazera Free Audio Extractor Music & Video: Extract audio tracks from video files to various formats. davefdm 2.4 Dev Test 3 2017-03-29
Peercoin Wallet Internet: peer-to-peer electronic cash system r.brem 0.6.2 Dev Test 3 2018-04-02
Penguin Command Games: "Missile Command" clone vf2nsr 1.6.11 Dev Test 1 2010-05-14
Phlipple Games: puzzle Remigiusz Dybka (publisher) 0.8.2 Dev Test 3 2011-11-07
Physica Games: minimal platformer Buch 1.0 Dev Test 1 2013-03-10
PIXresizer Graphics & Pictures: image resizer Kiriko 2.0.4 Dev Test 1 2010-05-17
Poedit Development: GetText catalog (.po) editor Chris Morgan 1.4.6 Dev Test 1 2011-04-26
Pool Rebel Games: billiards simulation game Nikos Konstas Dev Test 1 2010-04-07
PortableApps.com AutoRun/AutoPlay Utilities: PortableApps.com AutoRun utility John T. Haller Test .2 2014-05-16
PortableApps.com Development Toolkit Development: utility for assisting with PortableApps.com app development 3D1T0R 1.0 Alpha 1.2 2016-03-18
PortableApps Desktop Icon Utilities: U3-like desktop icon leogx Beta 8 2009-01-29
PortableFileAssociator Utilities: portable file association manager Erik Pilsits 2010-01-10
pouetChess Games: chess vf2nsr 0.2.0 Dev Test 1 2010-04-10
Projectile Education: projectile motion calculator upnPAD 2 Dev Test 1 2008-07-14
ProjectLibre Office: Project Management Gord Caswell 1.8.0 Dev Test 1 2018-AUG-25
Pulover's Macro Creator Utilities: Automation Tool and Script Generator mwayne 5.0.0 Dev Test 1 2016-04-19
Pwytter Internet: twitter desktop client Kevin Porter 0.8 Dev Test 2 2008-05-16
QuasselClient Internet: A modern, distributed IRC client DavieDavieDave 0.12.5 Dev Test 1 2018-07-27
Qemu Launcher Portable Utilities: QEMU VM launcher Todd Herbert Dev Test 2 2009-01-09
QMC2 for MAME/MESS/UME Games: Multiple machine emulators Matt Nadareski 0.44 Dev Test 1 2014-07-29
QTranslate Office: online translator interface kAlug 3.1.0 Dev Test 1 2012-01-05
Qucs Education: Circuits simulator Arnaud Amiel 0.0.16 Dev Test 1 2011-04-08
QuickPHP Development: standalone PHP web server Shea Bunge 1.14.0 Dev Test 2 2011-12-19
QuickWayToFolders Utilities: Portable Desktop DysDaemoN 0.1 Alpha Rev 1 2016-04-02
R Portable Education Bill Huber R Portable 2012-06-26
Radicale Office: Calendar and Contacts Server Adamas 0.8.0 Dev Test 2 2013-08-04
Raine Games: Multiple machine emulator Matt Nadareski 0.63.1 Dev Test 1 2013-10-31
Rainlendar2 Lite Office: desktop calendar Kimmo Pekkola 2.8.1 Dev Test 1 2011-02-11
Rambox Internet: Free, open source and cross platform messaging and emailing app that combines common web applications. adlib 0.5.10 Dev Test 1 2017-08-23
Rapid Environment Editor Utilities: environment editor Gord Caswell 8.0 build 919 Dev Test 1 2014-04-25
RapidSVN Internet: subversion GUI seba Dev Test 1 2010-09-27
Red Eclipse Games: FPS Scriptdaemon 1.6.0 Dev Test 1 2018-01-08
REG Utilities: registry editor powerjuce Dev Test 2 2008-06-23
Registry Life Utilities: System registry cleaning and optimization utility KonstantinCT 1.65 Dev Test 1 2013-11-17
ResEdit Utilities: Resource editor Matt Nadareski 1.5.11 Dev Test 1 2013-01-30
ResidualVM Games: Lua-based 3D adventure game interpreter Matt Nadareski 0.1.1 Dev Test 1 2013-10-03
Robomongo Development:Native and cross-platform MongoDB manager. Samuel Ferreira Dev Test 1 2017-05-14
RunGuard Utilities: admin priviledge manager Erik Pilsits Dev Test 1 2008-05-05
Runscanner Utilities: Running program scanner Pyromaniac 2.0 Dev Test 4 2012-02-10
Scanner Utilities: media usage visualization rdd 2.13 Dev Test 1 2017-05-28
SciTE4AutoHotkey Development: AutoHotkey IDE mwayne Dev Test 2 2015-05-01
Scan Tailor Utilities: an interactive post-processing tool for scanned pages mjashby Dev Test 1 2011-04-13
Screenshot Captor Graphics & Pictures: screenshot utility Gord Caswell 4.5.0 Dev Test 1 2013-07-25
ScummVM Games: Point-and-click game interpreter Matt Nadareski 1.6.0 Dev Test 2 2013-10-01
ScummVM Tools Utilities: Companion tools for ScummVM Matt Nadareski 1.6.0 Dev Test 1 2013-10-05
Secret Maryo Chronicles Games: mario-like side scroller Bennieboj 1.9 Dev Test 2 2012-02-17
ServLoader Utilities: services management ProfessorF 0.0.2 Beta 2011-01-15
SharpDevelop Development:Free IDE for C#, VB.NET and Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform Samuel Ferreira Dev Test 1 2016-05-28
Shotcut Music & Video: Video editor mwayne 16.11.02 Dev Test 1 2016-11-09
Simple Family Tree 2 Education: family tree/Gedcom mjashby 1.32 Dev Test 1 2011-03-07
Simple Port Forwarding Utilities bill_gagliardi 3.5.0 Dev Test 1 07-28-2012
SlashEM Games: roguelike DCliche 0.7.7 Dev Test 1 2011-03-07
Snappy Driver Installer Utilities: driver installer/updater m-alice R439 Dev Test 1 2016-04-03
SoapUI Development:Web Services testing tools. Samuel Ferreira 5.3.0 Dev Test 1 2017-05-14
Solitaire Mahjong Games: classic tile game depp.jones 1.3.1 Dev Test 1 2012-01-28
SpaceSniffer Utilities: display used space mwayne Dev Test 1 2016-01-07
SquirrelSQL Client Development: SQL Client YoursTruly Dev Test 1 2015-08-07
Stella Games: Atari 2600 emulator Matt Nadareski 3.9.2 Dev Test 1 2013-09-03
Strawberry Perl Development: Portable Perl distribution Matt Nadareski Dev Test 1 2014-01-10
streamWriter Music & Video: internet radio recorder tapsklaps Dev Test 3 2012-07-04
Subtitle Edit Music & Video: Subtitle editor Matt Nadareski 3.3.9 Dev Test 1 2013-10-25
SuperCopier 2 Office: file copier mjashby 2.2 Beta Dev Test 1 2011-03-05
SuperPutty Internet: tabbed GUI for PuTTY Samuel Ferreira Dev Test 6 2015-12-15
SuperSimple Video Converter Music & Video: Free audio & video converter Zelko/Gromada (Publisher) 2014.2 DevTest 1 2014-12-02
Synfig Studio Graphics & Pictures: 2D animation software Danny Muniz Dev Test 1 2019-01-29
Technic Launcher Games: Minecraft modpacks Matt Nadareski 297 Dev Test 1 2013-10-25
Teeworlds Games: muliplayer side-scrolling shooter Taffin Foxcroft 0.6.1 Dev Test 1 2011-08-28
Texmaker Office: TeX editor Matt Nadareski 4.1.1 Dev Test 1 2014-01-04
TeXstudio Office: TeX editor mwayne 2.10.8 Dev Test 1 2016-02-02
TeXworks Office: TeX editor Matt Nadareski 0.4.5 Dev Test 4 2013-10-18
TightVNC Viewer Utilities: Remote Desktop / Remote Control Samuel Ferreira 2.7.10 Dev Test 1 2013-12-09
TightVNC Server Utilities: VNC Remote Desktop / Remote Control Server Samuel Ferreira 2.7.10 Dev Test 1 2013-12-09
Tomahawk PDF+ Utilities: PDF Creator tapsklaps Dev Test 7 2012-01-26
Torrent Search Internet: file sharing Sapioit 0.9.2 Dev Test 2 2011-02-20
TortoiseHg Development: Mercurial client kAlug 2.7 Dev Test 1 2013-02-11
Total Commander Utilities: dual pane file manager rdd 9.12 Dev Test 1 2018-01-07
TreeSheets Office: free-form data organizer kAlug 2011-08-19 Dev Test 1 2011-10-23
TuxGuitar Music & Video: music composition & notation dagardner 1.2 Dev Test 3 2010-06-12
UMDGen Utilities: umd psp management SoulOfCloud 4.0 Dev Test 1 2012-04-21
UMLet Development:Java-based UML drawing tool designed for quickly creating Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagrams. Samuel Ferreira 14.2 Dev Test 2 2016-05-24
Universal Extractor Decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer. Dan Carroll 1.6.1 Dev Test 6 2015-11-07
UnknownHorizons Games: A 2D Real-time Strategy Simulation mjashby 2011.1 Dev Test 2 2011-04-25
Unvanquished Games: FPS Scriptdaemon 0.50 Dev Test 1 2016-04-19
The Ur-Quan Masters(UQM) Games: Strategy dagardner 0.7 Dev Test 1 2012-05-21
UserBenchMark Utilities: A tool that quickly benchmarks your PC. JarlPenguin Dev Test 6 2018-06-05
VASSAL Games: game engine for board and card games kAlug 3.1.18 Dev Test 1 2011-12-22
VBA Link Games: Gameboy Advance Emulator, Allows trading with multiple instances. Darkness Wizard Dev Test 1 2014-11-29
VirusTotal Uploader Security: file-scanner uploader Gord Caswell 2.0 Dev Test 2 2011-10-13
Visual Dec2Frac Utilities: Shows the fractional approximation of decimals Michael D. Shook Dev Test 1 2013-04-05
VLMC Music & Video: movie creator Brandon C. 0.1.0 Dev Test 1 2010-05-20
WhatPulse Utilities: key and click counter Pestario 0.69.1 Dev Test 2 2010-01-19
Widelands Games: real-time strategy dagardner Build 16 Dev Test 1 2011-05-02
wikidPad Office: personal wiki-like notebook mjashby 2.0_1 Dev Test 1 2011-02-28
Win32 Disk Imager Portable Utilities: Image writer Justin Russul 0.7 Dev Test 2 2014-04-13
WinFF Music & Video: video converter G4Oblivion 1.3.2 Dev Test 6 2011-03-20
WinPT Utilities: privacy/security mstinaff 1.4.2 Dev Test 6 2009-09-06
WinScan2PDF Utilities: scanner to pdf mwayne 3.11 Dev Test 1 2016-02-06
WTW Internet: multi-messenger wmq Dev Test 11 2012-06-28
XBMC Music & Video Media Center software John Pouliezos 11.0 Dev Test 2 2011-11-23
XML Copy Editory Development: validating XML editor gamewolf Beta Test 1 2010-01-30
XnViewMP Graphics & Pictures: Enhanced version of XnView Matt Nadareski 0.61 Dev Test 1 2013-10-26
YAP Prolog Development: Prolog compiler kAlug 6.2.2 Dev Test 1 2011-10-23
Yawcam Graphics & Pictures: Java-based webcam tool Matt Nadareski 0.4.1 Dev Test 1 2013-05-15
ZDoom Games: FPS prapper 2.6.1 Dev Test 1 2012-08-03
Zekr Education: Qur'an study project dagardner 1.0.0 Dev Test 2 2010-08-13
ZenEdit Office: distraction-free text editor mjashby 1.4 Dev Test 1 2011-02-22
Zim Office: wiki Brendan Kidwell 0.54 Dev Test 1 2012-01-16
Zotero Office: Reference and citation manager. SanPe' 5.0.37 Dev Test 18 2018-03-12
ZSNES 1.42 Games: Portable SNES emulator VirtualVirgo 1.42 Dev Test 1 2014-02-21

Outdated Beta Tests

The applications listed in this table are considered to be of unknown quality and status. They may not be up to the latest PortableApps.com Format specifications, may not contain the Development Test Release splash screen, and Development on these portable apps seems to have halted.

These releases are for developers only, and should be updated or marked obsolete.

Application App Type Developer Portable Release Status
0 A.D. Game: Real Time Strategy Pyromaniac Alpha 12 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Advanced Renamer Utilities: batch file/folder renamer Doug Akins 3.10 Dev Test 1 Outdated
AllInOneAlarm Utilities: alarm clock / task runner Nathan9222 Dev Test 4 Outdated
Anki Education: flashcard memorization tool port_usb 1.2.8 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Ares Galaxy Internet: P2P file transfer / chat Nathan9222 Dev Test 3 Outdated
Ares Mod Internet: file Sharing vdp Dev Test 6 Outdated
Arora Internet: web browser Zomby_Mann_Zakk 0.10.0 Dev Test 2 Outdated
AssaultCube Reloaded Games: First Person Shooter Pyromaniac ruler501 2.5.7 Dev Test 1 2.5.8 Outdated
Audiobook Cutter Music & Video: audio file splitter Patrick Patience 0.7.5 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Babiloo Education: dictionary rab040ma 0.6.0 Dev Test 4 Outdated
BASH Utilities: terminal daBomb69 Dev Test 4 Outdated
BeebEm Education: BBC Micro Emulator mjashby 4.13 Dev Test 3 Outdated
BitShare.com Desktop Tool Internet: file sharing Sapioit 0.69.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
BitTorrent Sync Internet: Encrypted P2P sync client darksabre76 1.3.106 Dev Test 1 Outdated
BestPractice Music & Video: audio transcription Travis Carrico 1.03 Dev Test 4 Outdated
BillardGL Games: 3D billiards jwyanze 1.7 Dev Test 1 Outdated
BlueJ Development: Java IDE Matt Nadareski 3.1.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Bluefish Development: plain text website editor Zach Thibeau 1.0.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Bochs Games: x86 emulator Logan Butt 2.4.6 Dev Test 1 Outdated
BOINCPortable Utilities: boinc client and manager olum Dev Test 2 Outdated
BOUML Development: UML 2.0 Editor beppegg 4.23.2 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Brain Workshop Education: Mind Exercises Doug Akins 4.8.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Bulk Rename Utility Utilities: Batch renamer Matt Nadareski Dev Test 2 Outdated
CADEMIA Graphics & Pictures: CAD system Shawn Faucher 1.4.1 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Clavier+ Utilities: Keyboard shortcut creator and editor mjashby 10.61 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Compare Checksum Utilities: checksum calculator Schdefoon 1.0.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Data Crow Office: media cataloguer Chris Morgan 3.7 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Deluge Internet: Full-featured P2P client Matt Nadareski 1.3.7 Dev Test 1 Outdated
DeskLinkz Utilities: portable desktop shortcuts David Dixon II/digitxp 1.5 Dev Test Outdated
EyeOS Operating Systems: web-based OS Bobert Dev Test 2 Outdated
Falling Blocks Game Games: tetris clone Patrick Patience 0.9 Dev Test 1 Outdated
FakeNES Games: NES emulator OliverK 0.5.9 Beta 3 Dev Test 6 Outdated
FreePCB Development: hardware JoeR 1.353 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Frostwire Internet: gnutella & BitTorrent P2P client MC 4.17.0 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Gajim Internet: jabber IM client Patrick Patience 0.12.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
GeoShell Utilities: desktop environment nuts32605 4.11.10 Dev Test 1 Outdated
GnuPG Utilities: privacy/security mstinaff 1.4.10 Dev Test 14 Outdated
Gobby Utilities: realtime collaborative editor Billy227 0.4.12 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Gourmet Office: recipe manager kai.inouye Dev Test 1 Outdated
GPA Utilities: privacy/security rab040ma 0.7.6 Dev Test 6 Outdated
Griffith Utilities: film collection manager Simeon 0.10 Dev Test 1 Outdated
HeidiSQL Development: SQL database editor sylikc 3.2 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Instagiffer Graphics and Pictures: GIF animation creator instagiffer (Publisher) 1.52 Dev Test 1 Outdated
jEdit Development: text & source code editor rab040ma 4.2 Dev Test 3 Outdated
Komodo Edit Development: multilanguage IDE Obsidian 5.1.3 Dev Test 7 Outdated
LcdBible Education: lightweight Bible software Chris Morgan 1.30k Dev Test 3 Outdated
Lincity-NG Games: Sims clone kai.inouye 1.1.2 Dev Test 3 Outdated
LockNote Utilities: text file encryption Patrick Patience 1.0.4 Dev Test 2 Outdated
Magic Mail Monitor Internet: POP3 email monitor Patrick Patience 2.94 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Modplug Music & Video: music composition prapper Dev Test 1 Outdated
NeoCrypt Utilities: file encryption Casey C. 1.1a Dev Test 2 Outdated
nQuake Games: FPS prapper 1.9 Dev Test 3 Outdated
Opensong Education: advanced lyric/song editor Itzalive 1.3b2 Dev Test 3 Outdated
Photormin Graphics & Pictures: image editor Casey C. 9.91b Dev Test 2 Outdated
Planner Office: project management Geoff Shearsmith 0.14.2 paf Outdated
Python Development: dynamic programming language Taffin Foxcroft 2.6 Dev Test 1 Outdated
QtWeb Internet: web browser Zach Thibeau Dev Test 1 Outdated
Race Into Space Games: "Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space" clone LOGAN-Portable 0.4.6 Dev Test 1 Outdated
RetroShare Internet: chat, P2P and more OliverK Dev Test 1 Outdated
RSSOwl Internet: RSS reader Gizmokid2005 2.0M9 Dev Test 4 Outdated
Simutrans Games: Sims clone digitxp DevTest 1 Outdated
Subcommander Development: SVN client Chris Morgan 1.2.4 Dev Test 2 2.0.0 Beta 4 DT 2 Outdated
SWORDProject Education: Bible study Kevin Porter 1.5.9 Dev Test 1 Outdated
Tennix! Games: tennis Patrick Patience 0.6.1 Dev Test 1 Outdated
TrueCrypt Utilities: encryption NeoRame Dev Test 2 Outdated
TunnelVision Utilities: screen hiding/security Patrick Patience 0.02 Test 1 Outdated
TuxPaint Graphics & Pictures: simple image editing Casey C. 0.9.19 Dev Test 1 Outdated
UltraStar Deluxe Games: karaoke jwyanze 1.01a Dev Test 2 Outdated
UnrealIRCD Internet: chat/IRC server Wescooldude3 3.2.7 Dev Test 3 Outdated
VBA-M Games: GameBoy Advance emulator qwertymodo (SVN 923) Dev Test 5 Outdated
UPX Shell Utilities: GUI shell for UPX eduardo_38 DevTest 5 2008-04-14 Removed?
xVideoServiceThief Music & Video: download video clips from websites OliverK 1.8.2 Dev Test 2 Outdated

Apps To Be Added

Developers with apps that need to be added or updated should post a comment here. Comments will be deleted once the app is added/updated. This is not a place to request apps. Those requests belong in the Request Apps Forum.

This is the template that will yield the desired format for posts. (this is only an example, you must replace all links and text with their proper values)

      &lt;td&gt;&lt;a href="http://**appname.com**""&gt;**App Name**&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
      &lt;td&gt;&lt;strong&gt;**Category**:&lt;/strong&gt; **description**&lt;/td&gt;
      &lt;td&gt;&lt;a href="https://portableapps.com/user/**USER ID**"&gt;**Username**&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;
      &lt;td&gt;&lt;a href="https://portableapps.com/node/**Node ID**"&gt;X.XX.X.X Dev Test X&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/td&gt;

Please also note that the ampersand (&) must be escaped as &amp;: thus "Music & Video: this & that" must be "Music &amp; Video: this &amp; that". When trying to get it to produce the code that way, that means that you need to escape it a second time as &amp;amp;. (and to produce that in the source here I had to escape it three times!). Also where possible try to make the short description lowercase as it's neater.

What will be accepted

Only applications in the PortableApps.com Format as Development Tests (or Pre-Releases after that) will be accepted for this page. Additionally, full packages and online installers will be added, but launcher-only packages which don't include the base application and will not download it automatically will not be.


Peppernrino's picture

      <td><a href="https://www.arduino.cc"">Arduino</a></td>
      <td><strong>Utilities:</strong> The Arduino IDE.</td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/user/295120">Peppernrino</a></td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/node/64326">Arduino Portable 1.8.16 Dev Test 1</a></td>

      <td><a href="https://www.bzflag.org"">BZFlag</a></td>
      <td><strong>Games:</strong> 3D multiplayer online tank battle game</td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/user/326978">blast007</a></td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/node/64538">2.4.22 Dev Test 2</a></td>
Peppernrino's picture

      <td><a href="https://www.arduino.cc"">AngryIPScanner</a></td>
      <td><strong>Utilities:</strong> Fast and friendly network scanner.</td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/user/295120">Peppernrino</a></td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/node/64952">AngryIPScanner Dev Test 1</a></td>

      <td><a href="http://prismlauncher.org">Prism Launcher</a></td>
      <td><strong>Games:</strong> Minecraft Launcher</td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/user/369654">RuiNtD</a></td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/node/68588">7.2 Dev Test 1</a></td>

just saw rssowl 2.2.1 dev test 1 is missing!
there is only a much older, outdated one.

i help were i can. maybe you can help me too. threads in account/track.
if you don't want to help don't post crap!

      <td><a href="https://app.zdechov.net/c-evo"">C-evo: New Horizons</a></td>
      <td><strong>Games:</strong>Turn-based empire building strategy game inspired by Civilization II game.</td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/user/381801">chronoscz</a></td>
      <td><a href="https://portableapps.com/node/71833">C-evo: New Horizons Portable 1.3.6 Dev Test 1</a></td>
